Being famous as a kid is weird and unhealthy.

Filthy does not equal unhealthy, necessarily.

I eat a lot of pizza and really unhealthy food.

I don't want my child to have unhealthy values.

I have a kind of unhealthy obsession with movies.

There is something very unhealthy about Christianity.

I don't have an unhealthy lifestyle, but I like carbs.

My obsession with James Franco borders on the unhealthy.

It is unhealthy to marinate in your own press clippings.

When there is unhealthy competition everybody is a loser.

I am obsessively bent on quality - to an unhealthy degree.

I'm a vegan, but you can be really unhealthy as a vegan, too.

It's pretty unhealthy to obsess over what people think about you.

This galloping concentration in broadcast ownership is unhealthy.

I felt good full figured. Morbidly obese I was unhealthy and dying.

It is safer and wiser to cure unhealthy rivalry than to suppress it.

Unhealthy diets and junk foods accumulate and eventually you'll die.

I don't believe in depriving myself; it's an unhealthy state of mind.

There is nothing unhealthy about educating youngsters about nutrition.

As a lifestyle you always being the focal point is innately unhealthy.

I had a very unhealthy relationship with food that turned into bulimia.

I don't really compare myself to anybody. That would be very unhealthy.

I wake up, usually start my day off with some very unhealthy McDonald's.

As unhealthy as I am, I'm weirdly aware of exactly how my body functions.

There's an unhealthy obsession in America with royalty and the class system.

My relationship in the past with alcohol has been both good fun and unhealthy.

I really like unhealthy food, so I eat a lot of fast food. I also like Chinese.

We have grown comfortable not having our perspective challenged. It's unhealthy.

Health food would seem healthier if the people that sold it looked less unhealthy.

The main thing known about secrets is that keeping them is unhealthy for the brain.

When you obsess about fitness goals they become unhealthy and impossible to achieve.

If I could eat without gaining weight or getting unhealthy, I would eat all the time.

I just love to bake chocolate cakes and anything unhealthy. It makes me very popular.

Where we can, I'd like to cut out sugars. I don't want to make food that is unhealthy.

In L.A., there are so many people that are focused on being healthy that it's unhealthy.

All the arts in America are a gigantic racket run by unscrupulous men for unhealthy women.

Fame for fame's sake is toxic - some people want that, with no boundaries. It's unhealthy.

I really like Jon Snow in quite an unhealthy way - he's got a jaunty tie and a fast brain.

I listen to unhealthy amount of Kanye. The Fugees. Also, 'The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill.'

Acting is not my primary drive in life, although I'd be a very unhealthy person without it.

I'm a very unhealthy person, and Montreal is very cold, and I'm usually sick when I'm there.

For me, a snack is supposed to be unhealthy! I like having chips or popcorn when I'm on set.

You've got to stop eating unhealthy crap. You've got to eat vegetables, fruit and lean meat.

I wish medical schools helped us to analyze our healthy and unhealthy reasons for becoming doctors.

I love my body because it's what I've been given. Being too thin is just as unhealthy as being obese.

My unhealthy affection for my second daughter has waned. Now I despise all my seven children equally.

Big food companies have their priorities, which include selling cheap, unhealthy foods at high profits.

Maybe you shouldn't be working as a jailer in Guantánamo. Maybe that's why you feel spiritually unhealthy.

After I was really unhappy and unhealthy, I think it dawned on me to stop doing the unhappy, unhealthy things.

If you are unhealthy, start by making small changes to become healthier. You are unique, beautiful, and worthy.

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