Sport is a way of uniting people.

The wave uniting with its depth is yoga.

Prayer is - a means of uniting us unto Himself.

Poetry is the art of uniting pleasure with truth.

Even the weak become strong when they are united.

Eggheads, unite! You have nothing to lose but your yolks.

Excellence can be as strong a uniting force as solid vision.

Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains.

Loneliness is a barrier that prevents one from uniting with the inner self.

We are seeing Republicans uniting behind this [presidential] campaign [2016].

Revolt, for you have nothing to lose but your chains and your [refugee] tents!

There's something about girls together, uniting, that I just thought was cool.

We are uniting in condemning the comments of Donald Trump on Muslims and women.

Underachievers of the world unite, you have nothing to lose except your fright.

Our culture, language, history, and values are vital to uniting us as a nation.

The practice of Zen is forgetting the self in the act of uniting with something.

The proletarians have nothing to loose but their chains. They have a world to win.

[Uniting workers should not] lead to a war upon property, or the owners of property.

Laughter is a uniting force, it brings people together, and it makes hardship easier.

I think football in general globally has a unique way of uniting people instead of dividing people.

We've got a big happy, one corporate family now uniting the corporate Democrats and the corporate Republicans.

From the dawn of history, science has probed the universe of unknowns, searching for the uniting laws of nature.

Religion has been the most effective weapon, which if used properly can help facilitate the uniting of the world.

Athletes can definitely have an impact on society. And it's great that athletes can be a part of uniting the population.

As all our wickedness consists in turning away from our Creator, so all our goodness consists in uniting ourselves with Him.

What breaks my heart is suffering of any kind. Too often, our world is divisive and cruel where it needs to be uniting and loving.

I know how much of a uniting game cricket is and as a leader of the Birmingham Phoenix that is something I definitely want to promote.

We cannot think of uniting with others, until after we have first united among ourselves... One can't unite bananas with scattered leaves.

Women born and raised on this fragile planet have more uniting us than dividing us - and it's the job of feminists to help us realise that.

The national team has always lent its image to help Italy's problems over the years... The national team is more about uniting than dividing.

It's not without its flaws - it's still the South and the Bible Belt - but Atlanta is one of those cities that's really good at uniting people.

For all uniting of strength by private men, is, if for evil intent, unjust; if for intent unknown, dangerous to the Publique, and unjustly concealed.

Think of energy almost like emotional electricity. It has a powerful way of uniting ordinary people, their connected spirit, to do extraordinary things.

We're a movement of many people who are uniting from the bottom up. We don't have structures, hierarchies, bosses, secretaries... No one gives us orders.

What's been gratifying is to live long enough to see molecular biology and evolutionary biology growing toward each other and uniting in research efforts.

You cannot deny that love lasts for only a brief moment, uniting two beings as a single being that is capable of only one thought, one sensation, one will.

The connectivity declaration is about uniting the whole industry - a lot of companies that typically compete very fiercely - to push in a coherent direction.

You have to try to build support around causes. It is uniting to campaign on a single issue, and it is never just a single issue; it's always more than that.

'Mad Men' is the greatest example of a perfect cast uniting with a perfect group of writers and creators to create a show that is bold, brutal, and brilliant.

Today, billions of mobile devices with extraordinary power are uniting with advancements in robotics artificial intelligence, nanotechnology, and so much more.

Love alone is capable of uniting living beings in such a way as to complete and fulfill them, for it alone takes them and joins them by what is deepest in themselves.

Art is the uniting of the subjective with the objective, of nature with reason, of the unconscious with the conscious, and therefore art is the highest means of knowledge.

As we look ahead to our very diverse future, BAJI plans to continue to be at the forefront, uniting black communities to attain racial, social, and economic justice for all.

When we see active and former NFL players uniting with owners and the League to address injustice, we can see the way football brings people together beyond the game itself.

I sang 'American Pie' a lot in my stage set. It had a knack of uniting an audience in a sing-along. It's a clever song about American history but wrapped in a fantastic tune.

Rock 'n' roll was uniting black kids and white kids, and rock 'n' roll is not being given credit... for being just as important to the civil rights movement as the activists.

BMG has been an awesome partner throughout my career, and with New London, we plan to continue bridging the gap between soul, pop, London, and New York - uniting them through music.

As we've grown as a country, we've allowed our fears and our doubts and our questions about things that we don't know to become more divisive than uniting us as a country, as a people.

Republicans - well, we're all part of the same family. We need to have some good disagreements with each other; we need to debate, but in the end, it's all about uniting, not dividing.

After Trump, how can we credibly say that our process for choosing a national leader yields the best possible result, or even someone capable of uniting the country, let alone running it?

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