The road to success runs uphill.

It's a real uphill challenge to battle the white-guyness.

I can't get hired in a studio movie. Everything is so uphill.

The road to freedom must be uphill, even if it is arduous and frustrating.

It's the equivalent of putting on the brakes suddenly while driving uphill.

I do uphill skiing; I don't do downhill skiing. I think that's for nerd amateurs.

All ballplayers should quit when it starts to feel as if all the baselines run uphill.

It is an uphill fight to persuade workers that the minimum wage is not in their interest.

Nothing in my life has really ever been easy. I've always been someone who did it uphill.

Start your day in a upward direction, and the rest of the day will follow the uphill path.

It's always an uphill battle. You know, I'm a Republican in Maryland. This is the bluest of the blue.

The big hurdle is going out and raising the revenue. There's no doubt about that; it's an uphill battle.

The trick to great romance is in overcoming adversity. In realizing that love is worth some uphill climbs.

But I love bowling in India, the grounds are quite flat whereas in South Africa you feel you are running uphill.

Everything was always a pretty up and down for me. It's always been an uphill battle as far as getting respect goes.

Taking mass transit is an uphill battle and one wrong move can put you on the latest Worldstarhiphop fight compilation.

There's no limit to what you can accomplish, but there's always someone one step ahead of you, so it's a constant uphill battle.

Trying to enforce our out-of-touch laws is as foolish and impossible as trying to enforce a law requiring that water flow uphill.

There is nothing wrong with fighting, but when you're fighting an uphill battle on an uneven playing field, that's what I don't like.

All filmmakers want the option to make another film, to have it not always be such an uphill battle - for it to be our life, our working life.

Living with a stammer is difficult. It's a daily uphill struggle with emotional baggage weighing you down. You can't be the person you want to be.

The way to Heaven is ascending; we must be content to travel uphill, though it be hard and tiresome, and contrary to the natural bias of our flesh.

As soon as I got up on that stage, and I remembered how welcoming and warming the judges, their presence is, and it was just all uphill from there.

The more I hear about Eddie Izzard's political agenda, the more sympathetic I feel. I cheer him on in his cause, but I fear he faces an uphill battle.

'Lost' did alright, you know. Not that I didn't get into it - I just never watched enough of them; but the uphill battle is that you've got to stay tuned.

Being a Diva in a man's world, you're constantly in an uphill battle; pitching ideas, trying to get TV time, trying to get in-ring time, the whole nine yards.

Tiger Woods did not always win majors with ease; after his narrow victory in the 1999 PGA, he slumped and sighed as if he'd been carrying rocks uphill all afternoon.

When you're young and you're striving, it's all uphill, and it's easier to climb. Then, when you get and look around, you sort of say, 'Wow, the altitude's kinda thin up here!'

It's an uphill battle to help our kids learn to make good food decisions - particularly when they are too often presented with an a la carte lunch room choice of french fries or yogurt.

Passion is different than desire. People that are successful recognize passion. You have to be willing to work at it. I love the image of pushing a boulder uphill - it will flourish you.

A lot of influencers who have made the pivot to publishing, they tend to be ghostwritten, they tend to be younger. It's a little bit of an uphill battle by nature of coming from YouTube.

The Divas division is always an uphill battle. We have a group of really hungry and talented women. It's just a matter of being able to showcase all of us in the right light and with the right stories.

For many years prior to landing my big break with WWE, I learned a lot about uphill battles. I had to scratch and claw day after day for a really big dream that, at many times, seemed totally impossible.

I always knew that it was going to be an uphill climb to replace Letterman from complete obscurity with no experience, but I think I had to go through it to know exactly what a titanic effort that was going to be.

The independent-minded movies - it's always an uphill battle to get them made and seen. You do what you can, and go out there after and try to tell people about it, but at the end of the day, that's all you can do.

The EP is called 'Kiddo' because this has been an uphill battle for me. As a female in the industry, as a female of colour, some people will demean me. So it's like, 'OK, you wanna call me kiddo? I'll show you kiddo.'

Contours on the second half of a long putt have more impact on how the ball rolls because it's going slower. Adjust your speed if that last part is playing uphill or downhill. Don't get fooled by an early slope or break.

For women, no matter what career, what path you choose, it's still an uphill battle to work your way up to these top leadership positions. And you're much more closely scrutinized for everything - for things that men are not.

What can you do if a part of it is uphill? You can't work out another route. You've just got to run the one they give you. But they tell me London is a nice course. Even the cobbles, I hope, are not very much of a problem for me.

Our work for human dignity is often lonely, and almost always an uphill climb. At times, our efforts are misunderstood, and we are mistaken for the enemy. There has been a clear erosion of respect for U.N. blue and our impartiality.

Rebuilding the civic fabric of Central American countries is the only long-term solution to stemming the flow of illegal migration, and without Mexico as a willing partner, the U.S. will continue to fight an impossibly uphill battle.

I'm my dad's kid, and I'm still, right or wrong, fighting that uphill battle, and I'm not saying that makes sense. I mean my dad didn't hire me at Fox... but it certainly gave me my start, and I think I'm always kind of fighting that.

A liberal is a person who believes that water can be made to run uphill. A conservative is someone who believes everybody should pay for his water. I'm somewhere in between: I believe water should be free, but that water flows downhill.

When I got shot, it changed my life tremendously, and put me on the right path. And that's when everything started happening there for me with boxing and my family and just everything. My life just took a big turn and started going uphill.

I have felt for the last 10 years I have had this battle; I've been fighting so hard to have an education. It's been this uphill struggle. I was Warner Bros' pain in the butt. I was their scheduling conflict. I was the one who made life difficult.

Big game hunters and the hunting industry in South Africa know a lot of people regard what they do as terrible, and the media have tended not to do them any favours. So it was an uphill struggle to win trust from the people and to get into the world.

I think it's an uphill battle in every field. You hear late-night comedy is hard on women. And then you hear investment banking is hard on women. And tech is hard on women. And then you start digging, and you learn philosophy departments are hard on women!

We set out with nothing but music as our dream, but we didn't know where we were going, whether we were going uphill or downhill, or as we took a break after becoming tired, whether around the corner there was a paradise or a pitfall. That's how we started.

The battle of life is, in most cases, fought uphill; and to win it without a struggle were perhaps to win it without honor. If there were no difficulties there would be no success; if there were nothing to struggle for, there would be nothing to be achieved.

My job is to build that belief in every coach and every owner, that they can put the franchise in my hands and I can take it uphill from there. Obviously, everyone wants to be No. 1, but I'm not going to campaign. I'm just going to go out and show what I've got.

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