When I can no longer bear to think of the victims of broken homes, I begin to think of the victims of intact ones.

Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play! No sense have they of ills to come, nor care beyond today.

Most people don't have that willingness to break bad habits. They have a lot of excuses and they talk like victims.

Family violence is a criminal act; perpetrators, while often former victims themselves, need to accept culpability.

The token gay character is always so funny and so fantastic. That's happened a lot. Or they're often purely victims.

Victims suggest innocence. And innocence, by the inexorable logic that governs all relational terms, suggests guilt.

The reason I have been so outspoken on antisemitism is that racism is racism - and my family have been victims of it.

Solutions will not be found while Indigenous people are treated as victims for whom someone else must find solutions.

I see women as oppressed, but I don't see them as victims; I see them rising all the time. I see them as very strong.

Most of today's black convicts have come to understand that they are the most abused victims of an unrighteous order.

We are not merely passive pawns of historical forces; nor are we victims of the past. We can shape and direct history.

Before I was a prosecutor, I was a defense attorney. I took a cut in pay because I wanted to stand up for the victims.

Health care needs are paramount after a disaster, and medical personnel fight against time to reach and assist victims.

I wrote about the Serbs, because no one was writing about them, even if I also think about the Croat and Muslim victims.

My opinion of our Parliamentarians is shared by all of us who are victims of governors who have ruled over us selfishly.

I think women are sick and tired of being portrayed as victims, a lot of the time anyway, the bulk of their time on film.

My time on television began, and I started playing victims. I did about 10 or 12 years of them, which gets boring, right?

Our primary objective must be to prevent wars, and when we fail in this, we must protect and assist the innocent victims.

Gun bans disarm victims, putting them at the mercy of murderers or terrorists who think nothing of breaking the gun laws.

Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deceptions.

I know that victims of torture will offer intentionally misleading information if they think their captors will believe it.

Businesses should be assured that law enforcement will operate with the utmost sensitivity toward victims of cyber attacks.

Evil exists. Evil is real. One of the hallmarks of evil is that it seeks to convince its victims that it exists 'out there.'

People with psychopathy are very good at reading the minds of their victims. That's probably most clearly seen in deception.

Our oceans have been the victims of a giant Ponzi scheme, waged with Bernie Madoff-like callousness by the world's fisheries.

Information technology has been one of the leading drivers of globalization, and it may also become one of its major victims.

Trauma is not the sole province of victims. If that were true, soldiers returning from Afghanistan wouldn't suffer from PTSD.

I'm very tough on crimes where there are victims who have been physically harmed. In such cases, I do not believe in leniency.

Pro-lifers believe there are two victims in an abortion: the unborn child and the woman who felt that that was her best option.

Cancer victims who don't accept their fate, who don't learn to live with it, will only destroy what little time they have left.

It takes two to make a murder. There are born victims, born to have their throats cut, as the cut-throats are born to be hanged.

I have a dream that, one day, maybe we'll have more women in the Senate than there are victims of Harvey Weinstein's harassment.

Writing a novel is actually searching for victims. As I write I keep looking for casualties. The stories uncover the casualties.

The cemetery of the victims of human cruelty in our century is extended to include yet another vast cemetery, that of the unborn.

Victims recite problems. Leaders develop solutions. That might seem like common sense, but common sense is rarely common practice.

What often happens in a court of law is that, if victims do get their day in court, they are on trial as much as the perpetrators.

For your benefit, learn from our tragedy. It is not a written law that the next victims must be Jews. It can also be other people.

I know victims of domestic abuse. I know what it takes for people to get out, and I also know why people stay. It's heartbreaking.

When I'm on the set at 'Law & Order: Special Victims Unit,' of course the content isn't funny, but the other actors are hilarious.

Unless and until our society recognizes cyber bullying for what it is, the suffering of thousands of silent victims will continue.

In a sense, we are all victims of the misogyny and racism that exist in the world, no matter what our gender or race happens to be.

Every Arab 'republic' has been a republic of fear, but only Saddam Hussein's Iraq surpassed the Assads' Syria in number of victims.

The Syrian rebels, weakened by infighting, have also been victims of the growing rift between the U.S. and its closest Arab allies.

I sympathize with the victims of Hurricane Sandy and believe that those who purchased flood insurance should have their claims paid.

Even small cults are a serious cost on the world economy, to victims, their families, employers, friends, and credit-card companies.

I am proud to be a role model for my viewers. I am finding out that helping victims is as or more rewarding the all the awards I win.

There is just no substitute for seeing a disaster area firsthand and getting the chance to speak in person to victims and responders.

As long as we're dependent on those fossil fuels, we're dependent on the Middle East. If we are not victims, we're certainly captives.

I often feel that with a crime story, the moral standards have to be higher. You're deal with real victims and with real consequences.

I try and make myself or consenting people I am very close to the victims of my comedy. I don't enjoy bullying masquerading as comedy.

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