I have yet to see a drama that puts forward women who are successful and also have a family... they are nearly always seen as victims.

When I got out of my Twenties I stopped playing women that were victims. I like playing women who are strong and have a piece of mind.

They know they're going to look beautiful, and I don't think women should look like costumes. They shouldn't look like fashion victims.

I always thought that was one of the single most important things a prosecutor could do is to seek justice for the families of victims.

Misogyny - and racism - are 'hidden in plain sight,' and the burden of eliminating them should fall on the institutions, not the victims.

Victims don't want to know they're victims. I guess that's just victim psychology: if you don't know about it, it's not really happening.

Cyber bullies can hide behind a mask of anonymity online, and do not need direct physical access to their victims to do unimaginable harm.

Most victims of my autobiographical verse are either far too polite, remarkably understanding unaware that I have written poems about them.

The Human Rights Act has not just given a voice to victims, but to the families who have to fight for the victim where the victim has died.

Society makes victims feel that they put themselves in a compromising position and therefore share in the responsibility of being violated.

I grow dizzy when I recall that the number of manufactured tanks seems to have been more important to me than the vanished victims of racism.

For decades, the violence in the Middle East has claimed a multitude of innocent civilian victims: Men, women and children, Arab and Israeli.

Technology enabled Rappler's fast growth starting in 2012, but we were also among the first victims when social media was weaponized in 2016.

Animals are the main victims of history, and the treatment of domesticated animals in industrial farms is perhaps the worst crime in history.

Judges can bring their own biases about sexuality in the courtroom, causing victims untold pain in the telling and retailing of their stories.

I've been really consistent throughout the campaign and since I won that I want to prioritize victims rights and I want to prioritize healing.

Under many current state laws, minors who have been victims of trafficking are charged as criminals and go to juvenile detention as offenders.

I consider myself a fairly ethical individual while I do have a lot of dichotomies within me. We're all victims of our own hypocrisy at times.

What we want to do is to give all children and grandchildren of Holocaust victims the opportunity to become Austrian citizens if they want to.

It doesn't take a bruise or a broken bone for a child to be a victim of domestic violence. Kids who witness domestic violence are victims, too.

Murder has foreseeable consequences. When it happens, it is always to distinct individuals, and after it happens, other victims are left behind.

There are hunters, and there are victims. By your discipline, cunning, obedience, and alertness, you will decide if you are a hunter or a victim.

I bow down in memory of the victims, and I come to tell my Armenian friends that we will never forget the tragedies that your people has endured.

Our goodness comes solely from thinking on goodness; our wickedness from thinking on wickedness. We too are the victims of our own contemplation.

My political views have never made me insensitive to the pain and suffering caused to the innocent victims of events such as the Warrington bomb.

In the concentration camps, we discovered this whole universe where everyone had his place. The killer came to kill, and the victims came to die.

The poor and minorities are disproportionately both crime's perpetrators and its victims. People are saddened when this happens but not surprised.

To see the faces and hear the voices of victims of the Holocaust - one of the darkest chapters in history - was an experience I will never forget.

I wasn't unsympathetic as a defense attorney, but my strong feelings for the victims were getting in my way. I identified too much with the victim.

The evil of slavery and colonialism was that these oppressions kept their victims out of history, disconnected them from the evolutionary struggle.

We have to keep in mind that it's not just about the numbers of people who died; it's also the manner which many of these victims met their deaths.

We should limit qualified immunity and change the standard for bringing cases against officers who violate victims' civil and Constitutional rights.

We seem to be the victims of religious dogma, both from the Christian Right here and, of course, in the East with the rise of Islamic fundamentalism.

In most cases, the only genuine victims of the 'safe places' demands for censorship are conservative student groups and their invited guest speakers.

Bashar al-Assad's henchmen stomped on the hands of famed Syrian cartoonist Ali Farzat. Our dictators tailor wounds to suit their victims' occupations.

A sexual revolution begins with the emancipation of women, who are the chief victims of patriarchy, and also with the ending of homosexual oppression.

As a prosecutor, I served victims; I fought to keep communities safe, and in every instance, I knew that it was my job to protect individuals' privacy.

We are all victims of the marketing that says cooking is hard and takes too long, but that's simply not true. Scrambled eggs take five minutes to make.

Nowadays, with much more racial and ethnic mixing, we are seeing serial killers murdering a variety of victims; whoever comes along will most likely do.

Most well-known serial killers have victims numbering in the dozens, have sent taunting letters to the police or have done bizarre things to the bodies.

We hear so much about weapons of mass destruction. But nine out of 10 war victims are killed by guns. It's the AK-47 that's a weapon of mass destruction.

With what I've gone through, I think it's really important to become a voice for abuse victims who have no voice. I want to be able to make a difference.

A number of women have reportedly been victims of what appear to be discriminatory decisions taken by Sharia councils, and that is a significant concern.

It seems, though, that historically we have now reached a position in which Jews cannot legitimately be understood always and only as presumptive victims.

I want to take this opportunity to express, one more time, my deep sadness to those countrymen who feel, rightly, that they were victims of my government.

Lots of hardworking, blue-collar people across America have lost their jobs since the 1990s - victims of the globalist policies of the Bushes and Clintons.

The act of apology is something that most societies take very seriously indeed. It is an admission of wrong done to the victims and an acceptance of blame.

There is something that happens when victims and offenders meet. Offenders and victims are able to see each other as human beings, with names and families.

We are so much the victims of abstraction that with the Earth in flames we can barely rouse ourselves to wander across the room and look at the thermostat.

We always see the innocent victims in the stories, and I am a little bored with that. I am much more interested in the price paid by the people who can fly.

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