I am profoundly concerned with the current treatment and status of Madoff fraud victims.

We need society, and particularly the victims of crime, to believe justice is being done.

Parents are the most likely to be victims of the violence of their mentally ill children.

Children are the beneficiaries - and also the victims - of the theater of various moments.

I am a victim-oriented person. I like to see that the victims know that they have a voice.

When we depress, we believe we are the victims of a feeling over which we have no control.

I intentionally aided them by being there and blocking an avenue of escape for the victims.

When some people get angry, they turn into victims, but when I get angry, I turn to action.

If we don't act now to safeguard our privacy, we could all become victims of identity theft.

Blondes make the best victims. They're like virgin snow that shows up the bloody footprints.

I guess I've played a lot of victims, but that's what a lot of the history of women is about.

In my human-rights work, perhaps the most important thing is gaining the trust of the victims.

My wife runs a non-profit that gives legal information online to victims of domestic violence.

I'm not asking victims to change their behavior. I'm asking perpetrators not to commit crimes.

The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.

I don't just empathise with the victims of Islamophobia; I worry about my own friends and family.

Since 1979, the majority of victims of the Iranian regime have been the Iranian people themselves.

In reality, victims of human trafficking are often left voiceless and completely unseen by society.

Men who do not make advances to women are apt to become victims to women who make advances to them.

When we're the victims of insulting language and attacks, it's obviously going to evoke a response.

I will also continue to fight to provide better economic security for victims of domestic violence.

Aid can only reach the victims of war by paying off the warlords and, sometimes, extending the war.

Men are not the enemy, but the fellow victims. The real enemy is women's denigration of themselves.

At the Carter Center we work with victims of oppression, and we give support to human rights heroes.

The newest victims of the nation's foreclosure crisis are pets, which is extremely distressing to me.

Of all tyrannies a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.

Somewhere we turn ourselves into victims instead of being the powerful women we really are meant to be.

The majority of autists - as well as their parents - seem to be genuine victims of environmental stress.

The one noticeable similarity with almost all serial killer victims is their short height and low weight.

Societies need to have one illness which becomes identified with evil, and attaches blame to its victims.

To the Left, Islam, like the rest of the 'Third World,' is one of the many victims of Western Imperialism.

We are so used to seeing women as victims of war to be pitied rather than survivors of war to be respected.

Victims want to know that the true perpetrators of their crime are convicted - legal aid helps achieve this.

Sympathy for victims is always counter-balanced by an equal and opposite feeling of resentment towards them.

I tended to faint when I saw accident victims in the emergency ward, during surgery, or while drawing blood.

I used to be a human rights lawyer and acted for many black Londoners who had been victims of discrimination.

We say that the ICC is targeting Africans, but all of the victims in our cases in Africa are African victims.

My family and I held no hatred for those people because we realized they were victims of their own ignorance.

The innocent are so few that two of them seldom meet - when they do meet, their victims lie strewn all round.

That's one thing with stroke victims, you've got to have a goal and you cannot accept anything but that goal.

We were the victims of the new producer but what annoyed me was they told the press we were leaving before us.

Man is the only animal that can remain on friendly terms with the victims he intends to eat until he eats them.

As a writer, I've always felt it's my job to be extremely careful when writing about victims, especially women.

If actual victims of discrimination had to wait on the NAACP to see them to justice, they would never get help.

The right to personal privacy is precious. Without it, we are all potential victims for a prying secret police.

Every company should have zero tolerance on sexual harassment so that victims feel secure while taking a stand.

Sometimes it seems as though all parents are certain that their children are victims of abuse by other children.

When you ask people to name victims of police brutality, for the most part, nobody will give you a woman's name.

I believe that victims of sexual harassment must be allowed to tell their story on their time, in their own way.

You've got to watch the politics of AIDS. The politics of AIDS can work both for and against the victims of AIDS.

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