I love TV as a viewer.

I am obsessed with my viewers.

I'm always thinking about the viewers.

It's important to me what the viewers think.

I want to entertain viewers as much as possible.

Tell the viewer something that they need to know.

My goal is to make the viewer a little bit smarter.

I feel that it is a privilege to make viewers laugh.

There's a genuineness that I hope I offer to viewers.

Good design encourages a viewer to want to learn more.

Advertisers like shows that viewers like to watch live.

To all of our viewers out there - expect the unexpected.

Don't ever let the viewer settle in and get ahead of you.

The viewer brings all additional information to the image.

Actors have to entertain viewers, be it on TV or in movies.

Female television viewers paid attention to Catherine Gale.

The better the coverage, the more discriminating the viewer.

But Steven Bochco was smart; he knew that viewers were smart.

I really thank the viewers; I don't take them all for granted.

Viewers don't like rudeness, but they like us to be persistent.

Our viewers are very educated, they can tell if I train or not.

If you're not excited about the subject, the viewer won't be either.

I love my job and my relationship with the viewers who watch my shows.

One cannot take natural resources for granted just to entertain viewers.

The viewer brings something individual to the experience of any artwork.

We just work hard to win the viewers respect and trust every single day.

I think 'BB Ki Vines' became popular because viewers could relate to it.

I do have some viewers who know where I live, and they'll stand outside.

Any time I break up with Dawson or question him, viewers turn against me.

When I meet viewers in person, it always seems to be entire family units.

You can't fool television viewers with dancing girls and flashing lights.

Every network wants to capture new viewers, but that's up to the networks.

'Prison Break' on Netflix has generated a whole new generation of viewers.

I like to show love in a way that will bring a smile or a tear to viewers.

The viewer is more likely to project their own narrative onto the picture.

I'm all about building a relationship with viewers and getting to know them.

With the 'Watchdog Army' we're putting viewers at the heart of the programme.

I want viewers to relate to me on a different level, not just a sexual level.

The adulation from viewers is a huge stimulant for me, and it keeps me going.

We had more viewers on the broadcast network than we did on the cable channel.

Shouting on TV feels like it almost gives viewers licence to do it in real life.

Viewers can determine what they want to watch and what they don't want to watch.

I don't wanna be in a show that's salacious just for the sake of getting viewers.

I want to be honest about my faith, but not preachy, for my viewers and my readers.

Viewers can hate a character and at the same time can't take their eyes off of him.

I think viewers know CNN delivers time and time again on the most important stories.

Not a day goes by when we're not grateful to see that viewers seem to be responding.

An artist can have an intention, but the viewer has their own subjective experience.

I am not ready to test the viewers' patience by playing one role far too many times.

'The Walking Dead' producers are really in touch, and appreciative, of their viewers.

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