People are going to like what they like, and they're going to be vocal about what they don't like.

I've always had a deep resonance, but I love vocal work, and I've been doing it for so many years.

I've always been vocal in my matches, and I've always made a lot of noises, a lot of random noises.

My voice has definitely been my plus point and many compliment me for the power of my vocal chords.

I've always been a natural singer on stage and in the studio - never had a vocal lesson in my life.

I feel like being vocal on social media, especially working in an industry that is very Eurocentric.

There's not a day that I don't work on vocals, have vocal coaches, go to acting classes, read books.

What's horrible is when someone believes they are a star, and they have no vocal ability whatsoever.

In life, if you stay quiet, you'll get left behind. So I had to learn to be more vocal and outgoing.

I need to be more aggressive, more vocal, be a better defender. I've worked on all those tirelessly.

My vocal style is called bel canto, which is an old Italian vocal style going back hundreds of years.

It's so important to me to take care of my voice. I do a lot of vocal warms-ups right before I go on.

When you dig down and look at the people who are vocal in their criticism of me, it's a small number.

I leave for the show at least an hour ahead, and I do some vocal warm-ups, and that's pretty much it.

As a vocal performance major, I went to school with a lot of singers who were cocky and not very nice.

I have a degree in vocal performance, I'm a classically trained singer, and I studied musical theatre.

And I loved Fats Waller. I love his instrumental abilities, his vocal abilities and his sense of humor.

I have never been vocal about my singing abilities, but I am always ready to present my dancing skills.

I felt I never needed to fight for a more prominent songwriting and increased vocal role with the Cars.

I would have to say Sam Cooke is the one I admired most. His artistry and vocal, just the way he did it.

I want to be thinking as quickly as I need to as soon as I hit the stage. I want to have a vocal warm-up.

I started taking vocal lessons, I always loved the challenge of playing my instrument and trying to sing.

The American audiences are more vocal and enthusiastic. British audiences tend to sit back a little more.

Making vocal hooks is my favorite thing to do. That's what I love about songwriting - making catchy stuff.

I never, my producer never, we never let myself just sing. We were always trying to get the perfect vocal.

A lot of my male vocal influences are British - people like David Bowie, Freddie Mercury and Robert Plant.

I knew I was always going to be around music. And I actually thought I would be dancing, not a vocal major.

My wife was born in Korea, and we met in music college; she was there for vocal, and I was there for drums.

I think it's more important than ever to be as vocal as I can be about things I believe in outside of music.

Even if I don't have the money to take vocal lessons, I'll practice in the house by myself singing out loud.

I don't think there's anybody that has such a keen sense of vocal production and attention to detail as Dre.

I'm a big fan of independent girls who are strong-willed, vocal in their opinions, and have a sense of humor.

When I use my vocal cords, it kind of feels like what it feels like when you put your shoes on the wrong foot.

I'm very much in favor of vaccinations, and I've been very vocal about that because it's insane to forgo this.

'I Remember' was produced before the vocal. It's just another body of work in the long list of bodies of work.

My vocal ability is very limited, but I'm fortunate in that I can write the songs around my vocal limitations.

The development of new instrumental and vocal idioms has been one of the remarkable phenomena of recent music.

If you are recording, you are recording. I don't believe there is such a thing as a demo or a temporary vocal.

I had a vocal coach. It's a sad thing, but I had to hire someone so that I could get my Australian accent back.

I think my style as far as vocal delivery and even down to the pronunciation of certain words is so deliberate.

I'm a musician. I play instruments. I dabble in the hip-hop field. That doesn't take vocal ability necessarily.

The thing with One Direction songs is that you can probably break them all down to an acoustic guitar and vocal.

Not only are police officers often taken for granted, many people are highly vocal about their dislike for cops.

The first piece of advice I would have from my experience is that governments need to be vocal about human rights.

I know as far as I'm concerned, I'm getting really excited about writing, and I'm taking guitar and vocal lessons.

The vocal cords are a muscle, and like any other muscle in the body, they can be strained. So you have to warm up.

It is simple nonsense to speak of the fixed tempo of any particular vocal phrase. Each voice has its peculiarities.

At times, I can be vocal about what I think people want to hear as opposed to being vocal about what I really feel.

A lot of times, comedy writers will go for the gay joke, and I've been vocal about saying, 'Go for the smart joke.'

When I'm talking to my teammates, being the vocal leader, going up and down, pushing everyone, they tend to follow.

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