I tried to get a job in music but was too unique to stand behind someone as a backing vocal or to sing in weddings.

Call centres employ mainly out-of-work actors because vocal skills plus low self-esteem equals reliable cold caller.

My vocal style I haven't tried to copy from anyone. It just developed until it became the girlish whine it is today.

I love this country and I am very vocal about my thoughts and beliefs. America is the greatest nation on the planet!

My vocal influences are a lot of jazz singers: Billie Holiday, Julie London, they had this tenderness to their voice.

There is nothing negative about a group of people crying out for democracy - and if my voice counts, I will be vocal.

I can't be on the side of any sort of war and I'm not going to be. I am against the war and I am very vocal about it.

People are not afraid to be activists, to be vocal. And I think back to my years in college, and that wasn't the case.

I have songs that sound like this and songs that sound like that. I think it's just my vocal that keeps it all together.

In my opinion the fans here in the United Kingdom are much more vocal and passionate than WWE fans in the United States.

The way I sing is extremely physical, and it was causing acid from my stomach to wash up to my vocal cords and burn them.

AC/DC's 'Highway to Hell' is the greatest meshing of vocal, guitar, and content I've ever heard. That's what I aspire to.

In the Senate, I will push to overturn Citizens United as I've been vocal about since I first served on the Town Council.

My mom is one of those women... she don't take no mess. She is very vocal about what she wants and what she doesn't want.

A vocal producer is very important, and it's a very important component of an overall successful and good-sounding record.

I've never done any vocal warm ups, ever. As a matter of fact, I learned to sing playing three sets a night in smoky clubs.

I don't think what people realize is I've been through years and years and years of training - piano, dance, vocal lessons.

For film and TV, try to have a more conversational tone. For stage, you'll need better diction and bigger vocal production.

I try to be cognisant of when and how and what I eat and get as much rest as I possibly can, as that helps the vocal cords.

I'm probably not one of the more vocal people around, but I do watch, I do listen and I try to learn from the people I watch.

It is not enough merely to memorize and spout vocal axioms good singing is infinitely more than much talk and head-knowledge.

Hometown are different to anything I've heard. They have an incredible blend in their vocal styles. They are going to be huge.

Music can be such a vulnerable thing, so when you're delivering a vocal or writing a piece of music, it's easy to get sideways.

It's funny: when I first started getting vocal about how much I liked 'Doctor Who,' I didn't realize how deep the fan base was.

It's always a pleasure when you can compose guitar parts from a strong vocal and not just put the melody on top of guitar riffs.

I've always been very vocal, but there have been moments where I've found it difficult to negotiate things that are about gender.

I'm a person who has always been clear about my love of music and vocal about trying to live in a way that lends itself to health.

I've had problems with my throat over the years, playing with loud bands for years, and I've had bruised vocal chords and nodules.

The guys who like chinos and cords never went away. They've always been there. They're remarkably loyal, just not remarkably vocal.

You don't always have to be a leader and be as vocal as I am. I'm sure some people would love it if I didn't talk as much as I did.

I could probably use some tips from a vocal trainer or something about breathing, but we all know it's not about technical prowess.

Vocal study before age 20 is likely to be injurious, though some survive it in the hands of very careful and understanding teachers.

Playing on different teams, playing all the different places I've played, the consistent thing is I'm always vocal and working hard.

I'm not really afraid of somebody who's very politically vocal. My mother is very strong, and I really believe in freedom of speech.

As women, we have more of a tendency to be people-pleasers, and I know a lot of women who are not vocal about what makes them happy.

Some days, I don't recognise my country, and other days, I see people being vocal and passionate, and I think, 'There's my country.'

If I improvise vocals at an early stage of the song, I just kind of listen to the roll, and then I kind of have a little vocal hook.

People often ask me how I developed my vocal sound, and the answer usually disappoints them: 'It's just the way I sound when I sing.'

Being more vocal - I think that's something, as a professional, you have to be really good at. You have to be able to speak your mind.

Although I have been pretty vocal about hating touring, the only part of touring I don't like is being on the bus and bouncing around.

I've always looked up to Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey for their outstanding vocal performances. I've always been inspired by them.

We live in a very disposable society, and people want everything right away, but unfortunately, vocal technique doesn't come overnight.

Poetry is a vocal art for me - but not necessarily a performative one. It might be reading to oneself or recalling some lines by memory.

We do scales, vocal exercises every day. I run the voice up and down, get as high as I can and as low as I can. I work on breathing, too.

I had throat surgery. We had to check that out and make sure it wasn't cancerous. I had a polyp on my vocal cord, so I had that taken out.

To be fair, I did come out of nowhere. 'Ghost' was the first song I ever did in a studio, my first time ever cutting a professional vocal.

I have a lot of security - I lost my mother to the Taliban because of a lack of security - and that explains partly why I can be so vocal.

Our electoral process has created perverse incentives that have warped our democracy and empowered special interests and a vocal minority.

As a state representative, I have consistently supported our state's investment in Israel and our vocal support of Israel's right to exist.

Relations between black and white would be greatly improved if we were more accepting of our fears and our feelings and more vocal about it.

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