It is very important to be vocal about what you feel about a certain issue.

My voice was left with its husky sound after surgery on large vocal nodules.

I haven't always been vocal about my feelings, especially in a relationship.

I never had vocal lessons, dance classes, or any of the things my peers had.

I started my career at 'Star Trek,' and that had a huge, very vocal fan base.

Love the vocal on Lightning. Overall great EP. We Sink is a favorite as well.

A different drumbeat or some vocal overdub could completely transform the song.

I'm not so vocal. I try to get loud, but my voice will just crack or something.

Singing in multiple voices, especially Oscar's, can make my vocal chords tired.

When I was younger, I was very vocal to the point of being strident in my views.

'Titanium' wasn't supposed to be me singing, but they put my demo vocal back on.

The most vocal fans online are girls, which is interesting. I didn't expect that.

Kerala has been one of the most vocal voices of federalism, and it will remain so.

Only a knowledgeable, empowered and vocal citizenry can perform well in democracy.

My mum's very vocal about me, aye. She's very proud. It's just a bit embarrassing.

I have always been vocal about preserving water and living a nature-friendly life.

I think that's kind of who I am. I just try to be vocal and try to lead by example.

There have to be people who are vocal about the advancement of knowledge over faith.

All songwriters are known as 'topliners' because the vocal goes on top of the track.

The kind of vocal exaggeration that I developed was based on what key songs were in.

I like being able to have a conversation. I like being able to do a vocal interview.

The Trump administration gives me so many more opportunities to be verbal and vocal.

I took vocal lessons all through my childhood and still do. I was classically trained.

That's right, I take vocal lessons - done it for years. There's nothing wrong with it.

As you know, there are certain languages that lend themselves very easily to vocal use.

I feel like I've always believed what I believed. I've just become more vocal about it.

There is an awful lot you can accomplish by being a vocal champion for a certain cause.

I've always been the most vocal person socially about things that I feel are important.

It was fun trying to use a few different voices for the vocal track on 'Country Heroes.'

I love singing, and whenever I can sing some more vocal leads, I always covet the chance.

I love and enjoy vocal performance, but I also have a huge passion for comedy and improv.

I'm not the most vocal guy, but I try to lead by example every single day with how I work.

From about ten, I knew I wanted to be an actor, and I started doing vocal shows and stuff.

I usually prepare a track and then I work with the artist when it's time to do the vocals.

Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't. But while I'm doing vocal in a studio, I can't stand it.

Literally, when I go to the vocal coach, I'm like, 'You are teaching me nothing.' You know?

I prefer alkaline water. Good for the vocal cords, especially if you take it in the morning.

I don't have the vocal dexterity, nor do I have the desire to put myself in among the giants.

I discovered later in life that there's not that many men with a counter-tenor vocal ability.

Usually what I do is I write my vocal melody over guitar parts and then I come up with lyrics.

You need people who are vocal on the pitch to give information at different times of the game.

I can't hold a note. I tried a singing lesson, but my vocal coach kept giving me the stink eye.

A lot of goalkeepers are naturally very vocal and outgoing so it's a natural thing for a keeper.

Sometimes, to be honest with you, our lyrics were written a day before the vocal had to be done.

I try and be super vocal on the field because that's what we need, and that's what I want to do.

I like writing on piano and a computer, and a lot of 'Plans' came out of samples and vocal lines.

It's the actual recording of the vocal that is the most boring thing you'll ever do in your life.

Dancing all night and then vocal lessons right after was hard and not unusual - but I enjoyed it.

I definitely have my opinions that I'm very vocal about and I'm not afraid to put them out there.

I was never afraid of going after what I wanted, and making that known, and being vocal about it.

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