I was not much good as a waitress.

Once a waitress, always a waitress.

In my heart I'm just a lucky waitress.

I took my waitress uniform. Seemed fitting.

I'd probably be famous now if I wasn't such a good waitress.

When I was young, I went to the Sinai and worked as a waitress.

I feel and look healthy. So I will look good in a waitress uniform.

All the beautiful waitresses existed like eternal responsibilities.

If the waitress comes, order me a coffee and something that involves bacon.

I have been a waitress, and I was a damn fine waitress too, let me tell you.

I wasn't the best waitress in the world, but I was cheerful and worked hard.

I worked as a secretary, a waitress and a dance teacher - all in high school.

I got lost a lot, and I was a really bad waitress... I got lost on the subway.

Flappers sounds like where waitresses go after they're too old to work at Hooters.

If I only did theatre I would have had to waitress, and I didn't want to waitress.

I was very poor and I was a waitress, and it's hard to be a poor waitress in New York.

I've worked in a call centre and as a nightclub waitress. I served champagne to Rihanna.

My later jobs as a waitress felt like a posh paradise after my first one at Boston Market.

I'd played dumbasses a lot. On Mad About You, I played a very dumb waitress and they saw me.

The waitress had the appearance of a very old hooker who had finally found her place in life

All I ask is that you tip your waiters and waitresses. We have to turn this situation around.

I feel so fortunate and lucky I don't have to be a waitress or a bartender or a personal trainer.

I wasn't a good waitress, but I was told that I was very nice and charming, so people liked me anyway.

I was a waitress years ago when I was first trying to become an actress, waiting tables in New York City.

I wanted to be a landscape architect, but I trained as a teacher; I worked in publishing; I was a waitress.

I just thought that Adrienne [Shelly] wrote a great character [for Waitress]. It really was all on the page.

I was like a waitress that got a job once in a while, and then Stifler's mom happened, and everything changed.

I've been a waitress for events, but a lady at the Victoria hotel in Yorkshire showed me how to do it properly.

I don't care how much evidence the state presented. I've never for one moment believed he murdered that waitress.

I'm like every waitress in every diner; I'm like every mom driving her kids to school. I'm nothing special at all.

I was a waitress at a local pub. I was really bad with money and it taught me the value of it as I was on minimum wage.

I was a hostess, a waitress, a cafe manager, and a prep chef. For one job, I had to wear a hat shaped like a head of garlic.

The postman wants an autograph. The cab driver wants a picture. The waitress wants a handshake. Everyone wants a piece of you.

I am a granddaughter of immigrants, put myself through college as a waitress, and I started my career as a computer programmer.

Asians narratively in shows are insignificant. They're the cop or the waitress or whatever it is. You see them in the background.

My mom was a waitress, and my dad was a plumber who worked for the City of San Clemente fixing mains breaks, so not too glamorous.

I wanted to be a comedian. I wanted to meet waitresses and felt that being a comedian was my best way to go about it and I was right.

I was a waitress. I was pretty good at it. I liked to solve those puzzles-you know, when to put the dinner order in, that sort of thing.

If a waiter or waitress tells me when gratuity is included they automatically get more gratuity. When they hide it I go with the leg kick.

I wasn't a very good waitress, always spilling things on people and forgetting things. I once spilled ashes all over Mike Wallace's table.

I was the cocktail waitress, and Sandra Bullock was the host, and this guy came in and persuaded me to try improv with Gotham City Improv.

When I was studying in London, I worked part-time as a waitress. I was teaching drama to kids. I did a lot of odd jobs to pay for my studies.

I'm not a figurehead for anything. I was a single mom with two kids. What else was I going to do? It was either be in a band or be a waitress.

I had a meal in Pizza Hut and the waitress told me I didn't need to pay. So I decided to be a bit cheeky and ask for more pizza and garlic bread.

I've actually walked out on a girl for being rude to a waitress. I go in to that restaurant all the time and that waitress was a good friend of mine.

I've always been melancholic. At a party, everyone would be looking at the glittering chandeliers and I'd be looking at the waitress's cracked shoes.

I always thought moving to New York would mean starting over in theater, because I had great work in Chicago and didn't want to become a waitress here.

I've never had a terrible job. I've been a cook, waitress, bookseller, teacher, freelance writer. I know what the bad jobs are, and I haven't done them.

I own the restaurant. There are a lot of cooks, waiters and waitresses in this restaurant. They worry about their problems. I worry about all the problems.

I was a waitress for nine years, which I don't regret at all. It taught me about discipline. I was always writing; it took a long time to make a career of it.

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