I'm a wandering gypsy.

No wandering minds allowed.

My days are gone a-wandering.

The devil wanders into my soul.

How now, wit! Whither wander you?

Not everyone who wanders is lost.

Not all those who wander are lost.

Wear your boots if you wander today

Life was a storm to wander through.

I didn't dare let my mind wander off.

It's in our genes, we were built to wander.

I let my mind wander and it didn't come back.

I have a very easy life, I can wander around.

I can just let my curiosity wander unleashed.

Wander into the center of the circle of wonder.

Minds will wander even during the Last Judgment.

I'm kind of A.D.D., and so my mind wanders a lot.

I´m not a wandering slave, I am a woman of choice

Wandering flushes a glory that fades with arrival.

Time is the deepest wilderness in which we wander.

The mind can wander while still focusing on one task.

Once the travel bug bites, there is no known antidote.

Don’t let yourselves be poisoned by those wandering Jews.

By the light of our insistent truths we wander into death

There is nothing worse for mortals than a wandering life.

Nature brings us back to absolute truth whenever we wander.

Sometimes my mind wanders; other times it leaves completely.

I guess I haven't gotten over being lost, a wandering gypsy.

You must have your wits about you. No wandering minds allowed.

Don’t become a wandering generality. Be a meaningful specific.

Wandering seemed no more than the happiness of an anxious man.

There is only one search: wandering... no dogma and no heresy.

Even though our lives wander, our memories remain in one place.

I read the Drudge Report! And wander around Facebook sometimes!

Sometimes my songs wander off a bit and are not always coherent.

But still my fancy wanders free Through that which might have been.

About myself - no. I'm unimportant, an observer, a wandering animal.

I sing the joy of wandering and the pleasure of the wanderer's death

If men must beg to live, May the Creator also go wandering and perish.

Why don’t you try wandering with me to the Palace of Not-Even-Anything

For where else, if not in the home, can we let our imagination wander?

I was a fantastic student until ten, and then my mind began to wander.

If you are seeking fame without the requisite talent, you might wander.

He let his mind wander. It went to a predictable place, and he missed her

Our life seems cursed to be a wiggle merely, and a wandering without end.

Instead of insight, maybe all a man gets is strength to wander for a while.

I have a fear of letting my mind wander. I'm afraid it might not come back.

Generally, when I come to festivals, I just wander freely and see what happens.

He indeed possesses the Character imposed on him, but he wanders as a renegade.

The world is vast and meant for wandering. There is always somewhere else to go.

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