I love the warmth of apple pie.

She smiled with the warmth of a penguin.

I can see the warmth. He's falling for me.

In the winter, warmth stands for all virtue.

Home, more than anything, means warmth and bed.

I curled closer to May, comforted by her warmth.

Warmth isn't what minimalists are thought to have.

The sun burnt on, drugging everything with warmth.

Politeness is to human nature what warmth is to wax.

Dancing begets warmth, which is the parent of wantonness.

The warmth that my country has shown me can't be matched.

My contribution is the romance and the warmth. The love songs.

I love being in Lucknow as I get so much love and warmth here.

Digital for storage and quickness. Analog for fatness and warmth.

The body needs food, warmth and water, but your heart needs more.

My design preference tends towards warmth, comfort, and minimalism.

If you put out acceptance and warmth, you tend to attract the same.

I enjoy it when the world smiles; the more smiles, the warmer I am.

Character is a strange blending of flinty strength and pliable warmth.

I like the machinery of poems, especially when they have human warmth.

My restaurants are about community and about sharing and about warmth.

I love the word warm. It is almost unbearable-- so moist and breathlike.

There's a warmth, obviously, with vinyl that you just don't get with CDs.

Fame doesn't fulfill you. It warms you a bit, but that warmth is temporary.

You can give into a relationship and warmth and the arms of another person.

One thing I love about Christmas music is that it has a tradition of warmth.

Louisiana has got a very specific warmth and humidity and richness of light.

What is deeper is warmer. When you’re looking for what is deeper, add warmth.

I loved Winnie the Pooh, the Disney character, and I loved his wit and warmth.

I've gotten nothing but warmth from the Black community and positive feedback.

All the other industries will receive warmth and sustenance from khadi industry.

I don't feel any warmth towards politics. I'm with the forever opposition party.

Cameron Crowe can write dialogue and shoot it with warmth and humor like nobody else.

I always think upon Lee Strasberg with warmth, and reviewing his wisdom is a pleasure.

I was quite bowled over by Isabel Wilkerson's masterly saga, 'The Warmth of Other Suns.'

I would like to thank all Neapolitan fans for the affection and warmth that I have felt.

Probably my favourite winter-word of all. Apricity is the warmth of the sun on a chilly day.

Mt. Hood is still one of my favorites for its sun, warmth, and slushy, forgiving conditions.

The love, adulation, and warmth that I got from India is the reason why I chose this country.

We will be a country of generosity and warmth. But we will also be a country of law and order.

Human warmth is perhaps the most lacking in a composer who lives his life in a recording studio.

In spring they lie flat at the first warmth, they ruin my summer and in autumn they smell of women.

But today, I feel the genuine warmth, the affection, and although I may joke about it, I am touched.

Once winter sets in I must have the sun and warmth. I need to be in the sun - I'm a true island baby.

Moderation is the feebleness and sloth of the soul, whereas ambition is the warmth and activity of it.

Mumbai and its people are full of warmth and love - it has the best qualities of all the cities in India.

Such lovely warmth of thought and delicacy of colour are beyond all praise, and equally beyond all thanks!

My designs are free-flowing in their approach, and I want to create an ambience of warmth and tranquility.

Latin life is rich with warmth, family values and history. I want to bring that beauty into American homes.

Hold me in your arms, lava lamp! Let me seek magma comfort and peace in the warmth of your kryptonite embrace.

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