A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan ...

A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week.

So. How was your week?

My week beats your year.

You can't win every week.

I swim three times a week.

I try to do yoga once a week.

Long week. Long month. Long life.

A week is a long time in politics.

I have to be a ginger for 3 weeks.

I spent a week there one afternoon.

Thursday come, and the week's gone.

I work out at least 5 times a week.

My musical tastes change every week.

I exercise five days a week at home.

Even the best weeks start with monday

Life is too short to dust every week.

Live every week like it's shark week.

Apart from golf, it was a great week.

Here's to responsibility, twice a week.

Once a week, I am a very desperate man.

I'm so glad we had that storm last week.

I'm so loyal, I haven't bathed in weeks!

We lose weeks like buttons, like pencils.

I just lay in my room for days ... weeks.

Last week I forgot how to ride a bicycle.

We are spending $1 billion a week in Iraq.

I work out with a trainer five days a week.

I could live a week on one good compliment.

A day in Afghanistan is like a week at home.

My name's been on this check for a week now.

I'm never anywhere for more than three weeks.

Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week.

Shouldn't EVERY week be Infection Control Week?

We traveled for two weeks with a pickled hippo.

I got as little as a $75 a week when I started.

McDonald's Meets Moschino at Milan Fashion Week

You should have a 1-on-1 roughly every 2 weeks.

I work 6:00 a.m. to midnight, seven days a week.

I'm all for sex. Seven nights a week. Days, too.

I'm growing as an actor and performer every week.

Your day is your week is your month is your year.

I'm natural, but I wear makeup seven days a week.

I love fashion week. It has great energy and vibe.

If I'm away from painting for a week, I get bored.

I shop at thrift shops probably five times a week.

When I'm working on a novel, I work 70-hour weeks.

What is a week-end? Maggie Smith in Downton Abbey.

Saturday night is the loneliest night in the week.

I just try work out at least twice a week if I can.

On the set I never know what day of the week it is.

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