Obviously, I'm coordinated and whatnot.

I'm a carb-y person. I love pastries and whatnot.

Every team has problems. Championship teams have problems and whatnot.

On photo shoots I've always had to do that - take direction and whatnot.

Machida always has his elusiveness and whatnot and Shogun has the tools to beat him.

I had a diary full of lyrics and whatnot and a little voice recorder of guitar riffs.

I feel like my music has a reputation for being pretty serious or whatnot, but I like having fun.

People don't know. People are ignorant. They feel that if you stutter, then you're slow or whatnot.

Maybe that's the whole teen oeuvre, you know covering people in disgusting bodily fluids and whatnot.

If you're going to be a father and whatnot, yeah, you better be responsible about it as best you can.

For me, you can't be a big fat pig up there, slovenly and singing croaky and whatnot. You have to work.

Netflix gives a lot of creative and artistic freedom to its actors and to its production team and whatnot.

There are a lot of things that go on between the lines of a tennis court, mentally, physically and whatnot.

I hear a good song and I start thinking, 'Oh shoot. You know there's a story that can be told to this,' and whatnot.

For some reason, I don't spend enough time getting to see my family because I'm always touring or working or whatnot.

I'm just trying to play a game. I don't think I should have to worry about who's gonna come on the field and whatnot.

I played basketball and baseball up until college, yea. Then I lost my discipline and started chasing girls and whatnot.

From my experience, moving through life, things tend to go in eight- to 10-year cycles. Friends, relationships and whatnot.

I've seen guys who had the craziest amount of talent growing up and let that hype and whatnot and the money go to their head.

I don't ever take anything for granted. I know... people would kill for the opportunity to play on festival stages and whatnot.

For many many years, the MMA world shunned on the pro wrestling world. They shunned on us for getting action figures and whatnot.

To say I feel close or whatnot, I don't really know what that means, but I feel like my game and, you know, myself is slowly maturing.

When I got into Stanford in high school, I had some friends from school who told me that I just got in because I was black and whatnot.

Prison is, indeed, a translation of your metaphysics, ethics, sense of history and whatnot into the compact terms of your daily deportment.

I like to open new doors and blaze new trails through the jungle and all that whatnot. What keeps me goin' all these years is changin' it up.

Obviously, different people identify me as the face of women's hockey and whatnot, but like my teammates, I'm just there to perform and compete.

I just go out and do what I can to help the team win, try and be consistent in having some good at-bats and getting some timely hits and whatnot.

There has got to be a lot of unreleased video out there, live footage and whatnot. There's always going to be something extra for the Pantera fan.

Well, it is curious what lasts and what doesn't. Publishing empires and whatnot would pay anything to figure it out. But they can't figure it out.

As kids do, they're smart, and even if parents try to keep things away from them, conflict and issues and whatnot, kids pick up on what's happening.

I would love to get into acting. I really enjoy acting - portraying other personalities and approaching different levels and whatnot - that would be awesome.

The black community sees itself as one group, and they are all experiencing the same experiences as a group with racism and whatnot, growing up in this country.

I've ended up working with Disney a lot, which is kind of peculiar. In theater, I've done a couple of projects with them and written a couple movies and whatnot.

I never knew my grandfather. He died the year before I was born. But as a child, he did, of course, those wonderful illustrations, 'Treasure Island,' and whatnot.

A dunk during the game is just to get everybody pumped up, so everybody can feel like we're going to win this game or we're going to blow this team out or whatnot.

I looked for a very long time, knowing that it had to happen, but it took me a long time to find someone with the same background and whatnot and I finally found him.

I had been interested in trying acting, and, like, I went to school with actors and whatnot, and I was interested in the craft but didn't really push myself to do it.

If you can understand the inner life, then you can wear the uniform, the tattoos, or whatnot and realize that the things that are different about us become superficial.

Once you go outside of Atlanta, there are still a lot of Klan rallies and whatnot. There are a lot of conflicting elements that are trying to solve itself in that city.

Bald guys have been playing the bad guy for a long time, whether it's pirates, thieves, murderers, or whatnot, so the deck is a little bit stacked against you in that regard.

There's a lot of people that have great ideas and dreams and whatnot, but unless you're willing to work really, really hard, and work for what you want, it's never going to happen.

To a certain extent, I think I've tried to train myself to not dive too deep into things or get my hopes too way up, because the fear of disappointment and whatnot is only natural.

I think, as you get older, you reflect at the silliness of your youth and the stupidity of some of the decisions that were made, and the ego and whatnot, or whatever played into it.

You know when you bring your voice to different voiceover things like video games and cartoons, and I do tons of stuff like that in voiceovers and whatnot, it's very fun and freeing.

My true dream, ever since I was a kid, was to play professional baseball. It's something that I worked my whole life for. But that didn't work out with the knee surgeries and whatnot.

There's a reason that I have confidence out there, and it's about how I prepare for games and for series and seasons and whatnot, so we've got to stick with that kind of thought process.

I grew up listening to a lot of Ray Charles and '60s rock, thanks to my father, and then my brothers got me in to KISS and whatnot, so I guess that's where I got my first taste for music.

I don't know, on a sitcom, and in theatre especially, you have to really be listening to an audience. And if you're losing them, you can hear the sniffs, and the playbills shuffling and whatnot.

Just to take a couple steps back historically, Korea, as you can see, is located among what we call big countries. And historically we've always been the victim of numerous invasions and whatnot.

I think any actor hopes to have variety and range in what they do. Everybody has a certain range, so you take on roles to expand that the best you can... See things a little differently and whatnot.

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