'The Witch' is feminist.

Even a witch wants sympathy.

I'm not witch. I'm your wife.

You should never poison a witch.

Ding-dong, the wicked witch is dead.

Men feared witches and burned women.

Ding-dong, the wicked witch is dead.

I'm like a witch! You can't kill me!

I consider myself a pagan and a witch.

'The Blair Witch Project' is a great movie.

a certain bohemian, good-witch sort of charm

It makes sense that a witch lives in a swamp.

The Witch' was intended to be a horror movie.

I'm a witch, I'm up all night, this is no joke.

I come as the wicked witch from the Barock era.

Delightful as teenage witch-in-training Sabrina.

The witch in 'Snow White' is a very scary image.

When I was 12, I thought I wanted to be a witch.

The witches do not know the origin of their cult.

I wanted to be a witch so badly when I was younger.

Who are taking to the witch burning Saturday night?

I am not a witch. I'm nothing you've heard. I'm you.

The number of witches had everywhere become enormous.

You've got to love a movie where a witch is your nanny.

God as now generally conceived of is only the last witch.

The Wicked Witch of the West really scared me as a child.

I think I'm a witch because I'm very connected to nature.

Witches don’t look like anything. Witches are. Witches do.

I did the 'Wizard of Oz' in third grade, and I was a witch.

Joe McCarthy and his Senate hearings were like witch-hunts.

The Taliban is the Muslim version of the Salem witch trials.

It’s not witch-crafty or anything! I suggest it to all moms!

I would love to draw for 'Scarlet Witch,' it's a Marvel title.

It would ha' been a good deal easier, if ye'd only been a witch.

My younger sister and younger brother are huge 'Teen Witch' fans.

To me, if you can do the Wicked Witch live, you can play anybody.

I'm a Red-baiter; I'm a witch-hunter if the witches are Communists.

Women have been burnt as witches simply because they were beautiful.

It's funny how everyone hates witch hunts... until they see a witch.

Come on, Rachel!" Jenks shrilled. "You're a badass, not a bad witch!

I don't find it humiliating when they call me a psychopath or witch.

First Witch He knows thy thought: Hear his speech, but say thou nought.

Extraordinary imagination, especially in a witch world. Also friendship.

Dead Witch Walking is basically a modern-day witch living in Cincinnati.

'Dead Witch Walking' is basically a modern-day witch living in Cincinnati.

I am living against all predictions. The doctors say I am a sort of witch.

For my part, I have ever believed, and do now know, that there are witches.

The Witch' was very well planned, but 'The Lighthouse' was so much more so.

No witch has ever claimed to own the Elder Wand. Make of that what you will.

Somebody with Debbie Reynolds' features doesn't get cast as the Wicked Witch.

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