We women of America tell you that America is not a democracy. Twenty million women are denied the right to vote.

Women are really beautiful in their forties, and men seem to come of age around the period of their second wife.

There is still a perception that the way women are isn't necessarily what you need for the powerhouse start-ups.

Speaking very generally, I find that women are spiritually, emotionally, and often physically stronger than men.

Most women are dissatisfied with their appearance - it's the stuff that fuels the beauty and fashion industries.

The Italians live well. They have problems, like all countries, but they are well-dressed, the women are pretty.

So many women are financially dependent on men. So why can't men be dependent on women? I'm totally okay with it.

Men are awesome, but they're pretty easy to figure out; women are way more complicated, and way more interesting.

Canada definitely has a strong program in women's boxing, and we're showing that women are capable, not just men.

Those religions that are oppressive to women are also against democracy, human rights, and freedom of expression.

Very learned women are to be found, in the same manner as female warriors; but they are seldom or ever inventors.

Men are motivated and empowered when they feel needed. Women are motivated and empowered when they feel cherished.

Women are from their very infancy debarred those Advantages with the want of which they are afterwards reproached.

I love playing video games, but I'm regularly disappointed in the limited and limiting ways women are represented.

Some women are forced by men to look a certain way to be accepted by the general public, and I find that terrible.

As a society, I think older women are marginalized, but I think that has changed so much in the last twenty years.

To put it mildly, I'm not crazy about the implication that pregnant women are incapable of deciding for themselves.

You can hit as many revolutions as you want, but women are always going to wear uncomfortable shoes that look good.

Whether we like it or not, men and women are not the same in nature, temperament, emotions and emotional responses.

Why is it men are permitted to be obsessed about their work, but women are only permitted to be obsessed about men?

Women are dominating the charts, and women are doing it for themselves. We're kicking butt and taking no prisoners.

Our servicemen and women are highly trained, highly skilled, and the most professional fighting force in the world.

Women are the primary healthcare consumers in the country. 80 percent of all healthcare decisions are made by women.

The generality of virtuous women are like hidden treasures, they are safe only because nobody has sought after them.

Women are more likely to have a ruptured uterus if they've had multiple C-sections because there's more scar tissue.

Older women are like aging strudels - the crust may not be so lovely, but the filling has come at last into its own.

Competing in show jumping is a school of life. And it's one of the few Olympic sports where men and women are equal.

Once women are not excluded, I don't think any of us will give a damn what pronouns are used. That wasn't the point.

It's axiomatic that all husbands are impossible. But I also think it's axiomatic that women are slightly impossible.

Women are both talented and innovative thinkers and tend to use computer science as a tool to solve larger problems.

I always say that bad women are fewer than men, but when you get one, they're fascinating because they're so rotten.

I don't know if it's animalistic or what, but men become like peacocks with their feathers up when women are around.

Most women are wise to the fact that lots of men love a cat-fight, and thus go out of their way not to give them one.

I just think we tear down women in this country for all these superficial reasons, and women are so great and strong.

The women are stepping up their degree of difficulty more than the men. A lot of us do the same dives as the men now.

In Nigeria, along with its West African neighbor Ghana, women are now starting businesses in greater numbers than men.

You know, men and women are a lot alike in certain situations. Like when they're both on fire - they're exactly alike.

Hemingway never grew out of adolescence. His scope and depth stayed shallow because he had no idea what women are for.

We all know business financial performance improves when more women are in senior levels of management and leadership.

When women are depressed, they eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking.

In Latin America, women are supposed to be voluptuous. They don't believe that you have to be skinny to be attractive.

I think my story says that, when women are given the chance and the opportunity, that we can achieve a lot. We deliver.

People of color and women are increasingly being shown on-screen. For things to be whitewashed just doesn't make sense.

When women are in positions of power it's a hard place to be, especially when that position involves bossing men around.

When you have increasing power of religious groups, oppression of women increases. Women are oppressed in all religions.

If being a woman is a factor politically, it's usually not because of a conscious bias, but because women are a novelty.

If you look at any other group of people suffering injustice, women are always in the worst situation within that group.

Black women are supposed to be 'strong,' but the burden of carrying our race and carrying our families adds the pressure.

I think women are sick and tired of being portrayed as victims, a lot of the time anyway, the bulk of their time on film.

I didn't think I was a humorless shrew in 'Knocked Up.' I think the women are just as funny as the men are in that movie.

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