I would love to be in a Nicholas Sparks movie. And Scarlett Johansson inspired me. I think it's cool when women are able to kick butt.

Women are able to fit public service into their lives. Once they find out they like it and can do it, there is plenty of room to grow.

If I pop off and do something drastic, everyone's going to realise because they know I'm 50. Anyway, middle-aged women are sensational.

For me, it always goes back to what my mother taught me and my sisters. That all women are beautiful, and we should embrace each other.

To conclude that women are unfitted to the task of our historic society seems to me the equivalent of closing male eyes to female facts.

Women are treated differently by society for exactly the same reason that children and the mentally handicapped are treated differently.

Men and women are custodians of this society, and we both decide what's going to happen for our future. I feel that very, very strongly.

How come women are treated differently from men all the time? Not only handicapped people, but women - and handicapped women, forget it!

Often, the disparities in the ways men and women are treated are subtle; there are not these clear barriers that you have to break down.

Now that women are jockeys, baseball umpires, atomic scientists, and business executives, maybe someday they can master parallel parking.

In this society, if a man is called a woman, that's the biggest insult he could get. Is that because women are considered something less?

Women are strong now. Women are dominating the charts, and women are doing it for themselves. We're kicking butt and taking no prisoners.

The simplest of women are wonderful liars who can extricate themselves from the most difficult dilemmas with a skill bordering on genius.

Feminism is hated because women are hated. Anti-feminism is a direct expression of misogyny; it is the political defense of women hating.

Men tend to try to struggle to be more rational and reduce things to simplicity more and are more impatient with ambiguity than women are.

When women are angry at men, they call them heartless. When men are angry at women, they call them crazy. Sometimes it doesn't stop there.

When women are stressed, they either eat too much and get fat, or they eat not so much and get thin, and the latter is what happens to me.

I don't know what women are attracted to. I can't tell, but certainly I have no notion of having sex appeal or being seductive in any way.

Women are no longer just born to be married. We are here to compete with everyone and make a place for ourselves under the sun on our own.

Often women are pitted against each other for an easy joke, so they fight or steal each other's boyfriends. That's not really true to life.

I think if women are visible in the media, truly visible, in an empowered role, it empowers us to be more visible in any area of our lives.

Looking at female candidates today, other women are the hardest on them, especially older women who were brought up in a different culture.

We women are going to bring change. We are speaking up for girls' rights, but we must not behave like men, like they have done in the past.

If women are the key to Africa's future - and I believe they are - we must figure out how to take away the barriers to their participation.

But all over Ohio - all over America - men and women are going back to work with the pride of building something stamped 'Made in America.'

Women are all the same; we want to be smaller in the waist, longer legs, slimmer. I design for women and their defects, to make them better.

I think women are vital to the future of the superhero comics and the entire industry - as creators, as editors, as consumers, as retailers.

I've always been a caretaker; I think a lot of women are. We take care of everybody else first, and very rarely do we think about ourselves.

I don't think men are that attracted by glamour. I think women are attracted by glamour. I think men are attracted by a sense of friendship.

Women are more than smart enough to see that McCain's policies are a disaster... He is anti- every reproductive issue we've ever fought for.

Most men act so tough and strong on the outside because on the inside, we are scared, weak, and fragile. Men, not women, are the weaker sex.

The connections between and among women are the most feared, the most problematic, and the most potentially transforming force on the planet.

Shoes for men are about elegance or wealth, they are not playing with the inner character. That is why women are happy to wear painful shoes.

We often see literature about women that impair and immerse the women themselves, such as when women are portrayed as objects of consumerism.

Lot of ugly funny dudes end up with some pretty gorgeous women. Women are much deeper than us in choosing a mate - they see in the long term.

We might have to broaden our scope of how we think about where women are vulnerable, because different things make different women vulnerable.

It's okay to be a fat man. It's prestige and power and all of that. But fat women are seen as just lazy and stupid and having no self-control.

On average, African-American women are 4 times as likely to die from pregnancy related complications. Latina women are at 2 times greater risk.

People always say that Californian women are obsessed with their appearance but I think you've got to take good care of yourself, for yourself.

Everyone will be happier if fewer women are tied to abusive men, drop out of school, and live impoverished lives because of a random pregnancy.

We have to remember that people are free to love who they want to love. That also means that black women are free to love who they want to love.

I don't care for the music when they're talking bad about women because I think women are God's greatest gift to the planet - I just like music.

Some women are great, and you wouldn't have been able to get to where you are without them, and others are doing what they can to undermine you.

Women are so much in love with compliments that rather than want them, they will compliment one another, yet mean no more by it than the men do.

Tennis is interesting because the women are almost more popular than the men. In the U.S. Open, women even get exactly the same money as the men.

I like to play smart, three-dimensional women. I also like to play roles where the women are a little crazy. I just have a feel for crazy people.

I think women are by nature competitive - secretly, privately within their own selves, on lots of different levels, on the way they look, perform.

Women are more complicated communicators than men, who have a tendency to pronounce and bloviate, and that makes for better writing in talky work.

I think I am at my best when my hair is short. It's easier to take care of and more of who I am. Women are conditioned to think we need long hair.

Despite the strength of the feminist movement in the 1970s and beyond, a fable has persisted that educated women are rejected as marriage partners.

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