Hard work always wins in the end.

My motto has always been hard work.

Hard work always pays off, whatever you do.

I've always been taught that hard work doesn't fail.

Self-belief and hard work will always earn you success.

The hard work definitely paid off and hard work always does.

Because of my style, I always make hard work of my contests.

The trouble with opportunity is that it always comes disguised as hard work.

My dad always said that hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard enough.

It seems we always exceed even our own expectations-after a lot of hard work, though!

May hard work, and justice, always cement our bonds of unity that we may get our country back to production.

It's always been hard work for us to manufacture in the U.K. It's not a particularly profitable place for us.

Never take your critics lightly. You must always try to win them over by your hard work. Don't brush them off.

Regarding one's career: always be prepared, no short cuts - hard work is the only alternative that really works.

Success isn't always about greatness. It's about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.

I will always tour, it's hard work it really is hard work, but the feedback and the buzz you get back from it is worth it.

I would always contend that talent is an element, but over the long run, ultimately, a minor part of it all; it is mostly hard work.

I think KISS has always been about celebrating self-empowerment. Celebrating the idea that anything is possible with determination and hard work.

I do not know anyone who has got to the top without hard work. That is the recipe. It will not always get you to the top, but should get you pretty near.

I can say the willingness to get dirty has always defined us as an nation, and it's a hallmark of hard work and a hallmark of fun, and dirt is not the enemy.

I work hard each and every summer, each and every day on my game to become a better player for my teammates, for the organization. Hard work always pays off.

I have always had the same philosophy throughout my career: work hard for your club, and if you get selected, it's because the hard work was seen by the head coach.

It will be hard work. It's always hard work, and hard work from everybody within the team - technical director, mechanics, drivers, engineers - everyone in the team.

Acting is really scary, but it's also challenging, fun, hard work. There's always an element of improvisation with every actor, even when something is really scripted.

Obviously, there are advantages when your parents and you share the same profession. I can always go to them for advice but my struggle and hard work will always be mine.

The basic skills of leaders are always the same: be driven by a deeper purpose, be a human being, have a passion for what you do, and it's also about hard work and ethics.

Because, you know, it's never a hard work when you enjoy yourself. Look, I've been here since 57 years, and I don't have to explain why I've stayed so long. I always enjoyed it.

I've never had it easy. There have been fortunate coincidences and instances, but nothing has fallen into my lap. Whatever I've achieved has always been through sheer hard work.

I'm under pressure with all my films. And the reason we are always under pressure is because it's only in our profession that months and even years of hard work is judged by the first show on Friday.

The real preparation for races is done in the off-season. I put in the hard work during the summer and fall, and I'm always working on technique so that when the actual races come around I'm ready to go.

I'm 32 this year so I'm experienced, I know how it is: sometimes you do very easy things and sometimes you can do crazy things that you don't understand. It's just to be focused on the hard work. For me, that's always the No 1 thing.

You know, I think it's so ironic that we're calling hard work, striving for excellence, don't blame others, you know, don't give up, that we're calling these, quote, 'Chinese values,' 'cause I always thought of them as American values.

From the first day I got signed to WWE, being the champion was always my number one goal, and after years of consistent hard work both mentally and physically, ups and downs, I was finally in that moment I had dreamt and thought about so much!

People ask why I always play crazy people and free spirits. I guess it is because I like to have fun. But I am more ambitious than your average free spirit. This job is hard enough that, without drive and hard work, you will never make it work.

For me, writing never gets easier. It's always hard work. It doesn't matter how many words you wrote the day before, or how many novels you've completed in the last decade: every day you start fresh again with that same blank page, or that same blank screen.

I try to always motivate young kids who want to be singers or actors or whatever it is they want to be that anything is possible with hard work. It doesn't matter where you're from or what language you speak - as long as you work hard, you can achieve those goals.

I believe in finding a soul mate. I've always been in monogamous relationships. I would never want to be in an open one. It'd be too awful. Monogamy can be hard work for some people. I don't think it applies to everybody, and I don't think a lot of people can do it.

Judi Dench has always been the benchmark for me. Everything I have seen her do is incredible. I also really admire Cate Blanchett. In terms of people I have worked with, there is no one more admirable than Hugh Jackman, for his spirit, energy, generosity and hard work.

Dance has always been the center of who I am. It has given me the inspiration to help other people find a hobby, passion, and activity that fulfills them. It also taught me some of the many skills I need as an entrepreneur: a hard work ethic that takes practice to master and the confidence to persevere through any challenges.

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