I love writing family stories.

I write because I can’t sleep.

Writing is the supreme solace.

All I owe the world is my art.

To hold a pen is to be at war.

I love writing for the screen.

I don't write letters anymore.

Writing [is] a form of prayer.

It's very hard to write humor.

Style is to forget all styles.

When I write I am the real me.

Details are the Life of Prose.

Yeah, writers do hate writing.

I'm lucky if I write a letter.

The best writing is rewriting.

I'm like a junkie for writing.

Writing is a form of mischief.

You write about what you know.

Your library is your portrait.

I write from my point of view.

You can never be too paranoid.

Art is craft, not inspiration.

A hand cannot write on itself.

We are all writing God's poem.

Writing a poem is discovering.

I do not write for an audience

He who limps is still walking.

Writing has to support itself.

Writing is a craft not an art.

Writing a book is an adventure.

Let's face it, writing is hell.

I write a thousand words a day.

I write with teenagers in mind.

I don't write, I build a rhyme.

Write while the heat is in you.

All of my writing is God-given.

No person writes to win awards.

I don't work at being ordinary.

On a good day I write, all day.

Write what you’re scared about.

Novel writing is solitary work.

I write to believe in goodness.

Write the book you want to read

What writing does is to reveal.

Books in your head help no one.

I loved the process of writing.

At night I can write for hours.

Writing is only a guided dream.

Writing is the act of discovery.

Hard writing makes easy reading.

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