Headline writing is an art form.

I'm composing and writing music.

I write to give myself strength.

I tend to write in the mornings.

Bad spellers of the world untie!

Easy writing makes hard reading.

I'm really bad at writing jokes.

It takes me ages to write stuff.

Anyone who can not write should.

I wish I had more time to write.

I see but one rule: to be clear.

It's a terrible poison, writing.

Always be a poet, even in prose.

To read and write is a paradise.

My favorite pastime is to write.

I spend most of my time writing.

I took a lot of writing courses.

I do a lot of screen re-writing.

I love writing different things.

I like to write a lot of satire.

I always write well in New York.

I write to discover what I know.

I write really well on the road.

All writing is a form of prayer.

All good ideas arrive by chance.

If you want to write, keep cats.

He who writes badly thinks badly

Writing is a great love of mine.

Writing is making sense of life.

A clear sentence is no accident.

I write novels and other things.

Writing is like carrying a fetus.

Planning to write is not writing.

Read, read read. Read everything.

I can write pretty much anywhere.

Writing is a bit like being a god

I want to write, act, and direct!

All of us write wish fulfillment.

Writing is the beast unto itself.

A book comes and says, 'Write me.

You learn a lot, writing fiction.

I write what's given me to write.

We write to make sense of it all.

Everybody writes a book too many.

I write to discover what I think.

When I am not writing, I'm dying.

Writing is a mysterious activity.

Genius is the art of taking pains

If you can write it, I can be it.

You can stroke people with words.

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