I'm a slow starter.

I train every day to be a starter.

I want to be a starter in this league.

I don't want to be a backup. I want to be a starter.

I always prepare like I'm a starter. Three-down back.

I'm a slow starter, but it's time to flip on the switch.

I would love to start if a coach considered me as a starter.

Every linebacker that plays in the NFL wants to be a starter.

My preparation doesn't change from being a backup to a starter.

I don't believe you name a starter until the starter wins the team.

Obviously I want to be a starter and to win things with Real Madrid.

In the first season with Sarri I only played six games as a starter.

Nobody is guaranteed to be a starter; thinking that would be a mistake.

Guys that are playing in the preseason are one play away from being a starter.

I'm like a slow starter. Everything I've done has built, or has taken a while.

If I am ever the starter of the Denver Broncos, I want it to be because I earned it.

I was a late starter on the romantic front. I didn't start dating until I was in my 30s.

How many people have had starter marriages? For some reason, mine really offends people.

My last four years in Orlando, I was a really good player but I wasn't a full-time starter.

I said before, I want to be a starter, I want to be an all-star - not a borderline all-star.

I'm not stupid: if I have not been a starter with Ancelotti, Benitez and Zidane, it's my fault.

The marriages to Mickey and Artie were easy come, easy go. I called them my 'starter husbands!'

I have always been there to help the team, sometimes coming off the bench, other times as a starter.

I don't want to be one of those guys where I go there and wait a long time before I become a starter.

I took a job at a white-shoe NYC law firm, with an office, business cards, and a fat starter paycheck.

I've wanted to be a starter ever since I was a little kid, so I wasn't going to give up on that dream.

It's true that at Malaga, I played every game as a starter, but here at Madrid, they give nothing away.

I feel like I've proven that I can be a starter in this league, and I want to be respected in that way.

Chelsea is a big club, a club that has given me the opportunity to play as a starter, to grow even more.

Of all the years playing football, I have never felt like an undisputed starter - that would be an error.

With the Selecao, every substitute is a starter in their club teams, so the competition is always top notch.

I think the toughest job in football is always to be the starter, because everybody looks to you for guidance.

I was a walk-on at Maryland, I had to earn my scholarship and starter spot, and the things that've come after.

Nick Foles, if he wasn't preparing like he was the starter, he wouldn't have been able to become a Super Bowl MVP.

Everybody wants to be a starter, and I feel like I'm a starter in this league, but I can't necessarily control that.

When my number is called, nobody cares if I am a starter or not. They just care if I make plays or if I'm productive.

I want to be the horse in the rotation that everybody can really rely on and is going to get that consistent starter.

I was 0-11 as a starter, and there were times when I walked off the field wondering if I'd ever win a game in the NFL.

When I turned 16 and got my license, the Chevy Blazer was passed down from my sister, so it was very much a starter car.

Guys get... benched, replaced. They get injured; another guy comes in and becomes the starter. That happens all the time.

It's completely normal that every player wants to be a starter. But ultimately the coach decides and we have to accept it.

I would not put Dak Prescott on the bench. I would leave him as the starter, and I wouldn't have a problem with that at all.

I became a starter in Portland, and then I lost my spot, but for what reason? It wasn't explained to me. I thought it was unfair.

Being able to put the film out there that I did and prove that I can be a starter in this league, it's put me in a good situation.

If you are going to be a starter in the NFL or a major-college program, you are going to have to beat out other great quarterbacks.

It's a different mind-set going into the off-season as a starter. The uncertainty from the team is gone, and your confidence grows.

I was a pretty sheltered kid, a slow starter. I was pretty secretive with my passion for music and, I guess, my talent and what-not.

When Peyton went into the game and remained the starter, it was OK with me because our team was winning games. We won a championship.

You have to understand that in this league, we are all one play removed from being the starter or from being the backup, in any game.

A novel is a conversation starter, and if the author isn't there for the after-party, both the writer and the reader are missing a lot.

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