My job is to prepare the squad.

Take me away from all this Death.

The Vlog Squad... We gotta change that name.

No one is guaranteed their place in the squad.

I just hope I can give positive energy to the squad.

Mankind is an unco squad And muckle he may grieve thee.

Everybody can win things with 25 superstars in the squad.

It's a goal to get myself in the squad for the World Cup.

The young players in the Welsh squad aren't young any more

Spain are a fantastic team and fantastic squad of players.

Football never stops, and that's why you need a big squad.

What matters is getting the best out of the squad you have.

Being a part of the practice squad was a tough year for me.

A small squad means everyone feels part of it and integrated.

Paul Scholes should be included in England's Euro 2012 squad.

My priority is to perform the job for which I am in the squad.

Not gonna lie - having a personal glam squad is pretty amazing.

I will go to Rio to support Brazil even if I'm not in the squad.

What I want in my squad and my players is to fight for our goal.

To win the World Cup is not about one player, it is about a squad.

The more quality players there are, the better it is for the squad.

I'm confident enough in my own ability and what I bring to the squad.

I am determined to play for Arsenal and be in the squad of Unai Emery.

No matter what squad I go to, I always feel I can add something to it.

We are always trying to improve our squad because football is dynamic.

There is such a belief in the squad that we could really do something.

Oooh, fashion, we are the goon squad and were coming to town, beep beep.

There is not really any point in having a big squad if you don't use it.

Pirlo and Tevez are extraordinary players and any squad would miss them.

City has helped me and Chelsea has helped me to be in the national squad.

As a manager, you worry about any different issue you have in your squad.

When I was 17, I was a Lakers Girl; I was the youngest girl on the squad.

I feel there's a lot of confidence in me when I'm with the national squad.

The player picked as No 23 in the squad will not win the World Cup for you.

You need always guts to put youngsters in the squad and also in the line-up.

We need the whole squad, every player of the team, if we are to be successful.

I love singing along to the radio while I'm riding in the back of a squad car.

Every summer at a club is important because you have some changes in the squad.

I have great confidence in Rene and high expectations for our squad to respond.

Sometimes keeping a squad together can improve spirit and with it performances.

I had the idea to bring an experimental squad to the Confederations Cup in 2014.

Some advice I would give myself from the Spirit Squad years - try and get taller.

I'm always trying to come down with a win. That's what matters to me and my squad.

It's no simple task getting the very best from each and every member of the squad.

If you have a good squad, and the hunger is there to win something, you can do it.

I don't know how you get in the England squad without getting in the Arsenal team.

I've always got that determination, to get back in the squad and get back playing.

Personally, everyone dreams to be part of World Cup squad. Mine was also the same.

Confidence is a vital part of any team and any squad. You have to earn that though.

It would be bad for the squad if one player had a much higher salary than the rest.

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