Poetry is not a luxury.

Women are powerful and dangerous.

Your silence will not protect you.

Revolution is not a one time event.

Our visions begin with our desires.

My fear of anger taught me nothing.

There is no Hierarchy of Oppressions

I am deliberate and afraid of nothing.

We are all in the process of becoming.

Oppression is as American as apple pie.

Afraid is a country with no exit visas.

I am very, very happy for Alice Walker.

We are powerful because we have survived

You are the one that you are looking for.

Without community, there is no liberation.

What I leave behind has a life of its own.

Anger, used, does not destroy. Hatred does.

Art is not living. It is the use of living.

There are no honest poems about dead women.

Anger is loaded with information and energy.

I am not only a casualty, I am also a warrior.

I have died too many deaths that were not mine.

Silence has never brought us anything of worth.

One pays a lot, we all pay a lot, for awareness.

Divide and conquer must become define and empower.

Our feelings are our most genuine paths to knowledge.

to that piece in each of us that refuses to be silent.

Guilt is only another way of avoiding informed action.

In the recognition of loving lies the answer to despair.

Each time you love, love as deeply as if it were forever.

I am on the cusp of change and the curve is shifting fast.

You will never be able to defend your city while shouting.

... it is not difference which immobilizes us, but silence.

The master's tools will never dismantle the master's house.

If you can't change reality, change your perceptions of it.

Silence and invisibility go hand in hand with powerlessness.

What do we want from each other after we have told our stories

We are all more blind to what we have than to what we have not.

I train myself for triumph by knowing it is mine no matter what.

Life is very short and what we have to do must be done in the now.

Wherever the bird with no feet flew, she found trees with no limbs.

Nothing I accept about myself can be used against me to diminish me.

There are no new ideas. There are only new ways of making them felt.

Somedays, if bitterness were a whetstone, I could be sharp as grief.

So it is better to speak, remembering we were never meant to survive.

What I most regretted were my silences. Of what had I ever been afraid?

Every woman I have ever known has made a lasting impression on my soul.

Hatred is a death wish for the hated, not a life wish for anything else.

Self-care is not about self-indulgence , it is about self-preservati on.

Poetry is the way we help give name to the nameless so it can be thought.

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