We are free to yield to truth.

A crafty knave needs no broker.

What's well begun is half done.

Make a good use of the present.

Gloriously false. [Like Rahab.]

There is measure in all things.

Believe it, future generations.

Music is an incitement to love.

Who's started has half finished.

Small things become small folks.

On day is pressed on by another.

In my integrity I'll wrap me up.

There is no retracing our steps.

Drawing is the true test of art.

Humble things become the humble.

One Sallow does not make Summer.

A pauper in the midst of wealth.

Don't long for the unripe grape.

Virtue consists in fleeing vice.

The covetous are always in want.

I want to live, and die with you.

Never despair. [Nil desperandum.]

Remember to be calm in adversity.

The covetous man is ever in want.

Summer treads on heels of spring.

Nothing is achieved without toil.

Let your poem be kept nine years.

A man perfect to the finger tips.

A picture is a poem without words

An undertaking beset with danger.

Don't carry logs into the forest.

The bowl dispels corroding cares.

The pen is the tongue of the mind.

Wisdom at times is found in folly.

Punishment follows close on crime.

Poets wish to profit or to please.

A good resolve will make any port.

Better to accept whatever happens.

A greater liar than the Parthians.

A picture is a poem without words.

Fidelity is the sister of justice.

There is moderation in everything.

Mistakes are their own instructors

Rule your mind or it will rule you.

What has not wasting time impaired?

Most virtue lies between two vices.

There is a middle ground in things.

No one is content with his own lot.

Whatever advice you give, be short.

Amiability shines by its own light.

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