They judge me like a picture book, by the colors, like they forgot to read.

I found it hard to make friends in school, because I was a cerebral person.

Nothing I ever wrote had a message. It was just my own personal experience.

Money is the anthem, of succes, so put on your mascara and your party dress

I guess my strongest recurring theme is honoring love, even when it's lost.

In the land of God's and Monsters, I was an angel looking to get f-ked hard.

Having a simple career as a musician who liked music was good enough for me.

Well, I mean, taking time for your art is taking time for yourself, isn't it?

If you are born an artist, you have no choice but to fight to stay an artist.

Love is strange, sometimes it makes you crazy, it can burn or break you down.

Loving you forever can't be wrong. Even though you're not here, can't move on

[Could you show us how Lana Del Rey dances in a club?] That would be illegal.

When things get bad enough, your only resort is to lie in bed and start praying.

I learned that there's no reason why people decide they like music when they do.

I know now that it's really important to feel beautiful. There is a power to that.

I lost my reputation, I forgot my truth. But I have my beauty and I have my youth.

This is what makes us girls/ We don't stick together 'cause we put our love first.

I want to stay hopeful, even though I get scared about why we're even alive at all.

Cruel World has been my favourite track from Ultraviolence ever since I recorded it.

My idea of a true feminist is a woman who feels free enough to do whatever she wants.

Seeing myself on the screen makes me cringe. I understand that I am that way - pouty.

I'm interested in the gorgeous side of life, but also familiar with the dark side too.

No money, no place to live – I’ve been in more dangerous situations than other people.

No matter how many people give me advice, I am going to do what my heart tells me to do

I’ve been really blessed to have a lot of romance in my life. It’s like my last luxury.

I sing the National Anthem, while I'm standing, over your body, hold you like a python.

Sold my soul long ago, nothing left to choose. I will follow Satan. Dancing in the dark.

Who belonged to no one, who belonged to everyone. Who had nothing, who wanted everything.

I wish I could escape into some alter-ego, just so I could feel more comfortable onstage.

Fashion is inspired by youth and nostalgia and draws inspiration from the best of the past.

You do things so fast, you end up having so many different lifestyles all in one short time.

I believe in the kindness of strangers. And when I'm at war with myself I ride, I just ride.

It takes getting everything you ever wanted and then losing it, to know what true freedom is.

[About her boyfriend Barrie] We kick each others asses. We give each other input every night.

I never stopped writing about what was actually going on in my life. There's nothing to hide.

Even if you're the best singer in the world, there's a good chance no one will ever hear you.

I believe that there is no doubts about who I am, an artist who loves music, above everything.

My dancing is Hawaiian-inspired but I also get a little fresh when it comes to my faster songs.

I listen to a little Marina & The Diamonds. She has a song called 'Teen Idle' that I really like.

I feel a strong relationship with God and I feel my ties are with him. That's how I honestly feel.

Life is a velvet crowbar hitting you over the head, youre bleeding syrup amour, bleeding to death.

I've clearer idea of how I don't want to be seen - as someone who does what everyone wants them to.

I've been writing since I was really young, so I considered myself a writer for a really long time.

I love to sing and I really love to write, but in terms of being onstage, I'm not that comfortable.

Sometimes I wish I was a beautiful machine so I could resist your kiss and not cry when you're mean.

Being human is difficult. Some people make it more difficult than others. I was one of those people.

People are really talkative in New York. Someone always comes up to me and says 'Hi' during the day.

A lot of the time when I write about the person that I love, I feel like I'm writing about New York.

I believe nothing happens by mistake. You know, the universe has a divine plan. That sounds dramatic.

I want to find someone who's really magnetic but who isn't going to do anything bad to me. It's hard.

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