I've lived in New York for a really long time.

Five years on TV is a really, really long time.

I've been a part of this sport for a really long time.

Some songs go super-quick; some take a really long time.

I'm a huge NBA fan and have been for a really long time.

I've had a passion to play Marilyn Monroe for a really long time.

There weren't roles for females in comedies for a really long time.

I like to shower for a really long time; that's a distraction-free zone for me.

I was not on social media for a really long time because I was afraid of being seen.

I like living with a character for a really long time and what can open up with that.

People have been upset about the tenor and discord in Washington for a really long time.

When you play a daily soap character that character lives with you for a really long time.

I have been dancing for a really long time, but when I get on stage, I forget all about that!

I've been writing since I was really young, so I considered myself a writer for a really long time.

I've been used to being my own boss for a really long time, so I don't take to authority very well.

I've been kind of submerged in my own little geographic location for a really long time in Venice Beach.

The best sketch shows are from a group of tight-knit people who've worked together for a really long time.

As actors, we have to say yes to everything for a really long time. You say 'Yes' to anything you can get.

I want to be around a really long time. I want to be a thorn in the side of everything as long as possible.

There have been periods of my career that I haven't worked for a really long time, like seven or eight months.

I'm really bad at liquid liner, so whenever I have time to do it, I'll try, but it takes me a really long time.

My biggest worry is I'm running out of time and energy. Thirty years ago I thought 10 years was a really long time.

I want to act for a really long time, but eventually I want to be a Marine and fly F-18s or train animals at SeaWorld.

If you work really hard at something for a really, really long time, you do it well. Eventually, somebody will notice.

I think that if you haven't been to the grocery store in a really long time, it's really easy to get very out of touch.

It took me a really long time to finally feel good about saying, 'Yes, I'm an actor. I chose to do this. I'm doing this.'

In order to be great in this game, you have to be good for a really long time, and to be good, you have to constantly win.

Oprah didn't want to put me on the show for a really long time because she thought I was more for the men than for the women.

It took me a really long time to get past all of that internalized dissociation with being female that I was being given by media.

I've been in fandom for a really long time. Back in the day, you had to go to a con to engage in fandom, and that was really the only way.

As a band, we always took a really long time to make records, so unfortunately, we got into that habit of, like, 'We'll work on it tomorrow.'

I want to be like a Christy Turlington, still doing my craft and still killing it. I want longevity and to be able to do this for a really long time.

When I was younger, 15 years or 20 years seemed like a really long time. But, as you journey though life, you don't realise where the years disappear.

I really love helping students and helping them empathize with people who lived a really long time ago. That's one of the highlights of working in fiction.

I have had the same friends for a really long time, and I like them because they like some of the stuff I like, but they are also really different from me.

Sometimes you get the luxury of having a script for a really long time, and you can get to talk with the director or the producers, and evolve with the role.

Did you know that you can live on Ensure for a year? A person can live for a really long time just lying in bed and drinking Ensure - way longer than you think.

I've been doing this career for a really long time, but there was not a lot of reason, at the time when I wrote 'Fight Song,' to believe that I should keep going.

The first songs I ever wrote - my first, like, serious offerings - were all written on ukulele. It's always been a part of the way I write for a really long time.

For a really long time, I thought being different was a negative thing. But as I grew older, I started to realize we were all born to stand out; nobody is born to blend in.

I got really tired of fighting who I am, and I did that for a really long time; I was trying to be this perfect girl, perfect family, perfect body, and those people aren't real.

Well, I've been politically involved for a really long time. Growing up in the segregated South, it was a very painful experience for me to live through the open racism of the time.

I think we forget that, for a really long time, this country has been a place that has welcomed many refugees who have made it home and have tremendously contributed to this country.

I've wanted to be a parent for a really long time, and I'm going to make sure I'm doing everything I can to be present in her life, to be her mother. I don't want to be absent from her life.

You have to build relationships and learn what are the things that are of interest to other members of Congress, what are the things that folks have been taking a lead on for a really long time.

My wild days are made up of wigs, a spray tan, nails, fashion, and looks… I feel the most beautiful when I'm getting into my mode and it can take a really long time, like 3 to 4 hours sometimes.

I didn't really realize that I could make it into a career until midway through the 'Ultimate Fighter' show when I started beating guys who had been training in the sport for a really long time.

We think touch is short-term. The mouse and keyboard were stable for 25 years, but I think touch will be stable for 10 years. Post-touch will be stable for a really long time, longer than 25 years.

I love improv. 'Crazy, Stupid, Love,' the script was really great, but the directors were open to letting you try different things. And that felt like a muscle I hadn't exercised in a really long time.

A single is really quick, man. You can get it out, and in two months have it on your merch table. And albums can take a really long time. But when you get done with an album, it's a lot more fulfilling.

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