The various modes of worship which prevailed in the Roman world were ...

The various modes of worship which prevailed in the Roman world were all considered by the people as equally true; by the philosopher as equally false; and by the magistrate as equally useful.

I was considered an ugly duckling.

Philosophy was once considered science.

I'm tired of being considered property.

Originally I considered myself a singer.

I have considered myself a mature actor.

I know one day I'll be considered too old.

Implementers aren't considered bozos anymore.

No, I never ever considered myself attractive.

I've never really considered myself a musician.

Humility is considered an un-masculine quality.

I have never, ever considered myself a failure.

I've always considered myself a person of color.

I've always considered myself a character actor.

I don't want to be considered 'the Latino rapper.'

I've always considered myself a nonfiction artist.

In no way can sport be considered a luxury object.

Years ago women of my size were considered royalty.

Film study was considered disgraceful by my father.

Anything new is always considered the devil's tool.

An inconvenience is an adventure wrongly considered.

I've never considered musical equipment very sacred.

I always considered myself the world's worst actress.

Yeah, I've always considered myself a musical person.

I'm proud to be considered a member of the Nike family.

Innocence could be considered a discrete state of mind.

Words will not fail when the matter is well considered.

I hope when I'm dead I'll be considered an icon, though.

If we don't have God in our life, we're considered dead.

If you express yourself too much, you're considered weak.

I always considered myself a dancer before anything else.

Sexual behavior was also generally considered off limits.

Being considered a public figure honestly makes me laugh.

I've always considered myself an actor first and foremost.

I come from a family where gravy is considered a beverage.

Decisions should be based on facts, objectively considered.

It's interesting to all of a sudden be considered valuable.

Only in Washington would death be considered a taxable event.

Being a secretary was considered a very good job in those days.

I've always considered myself a master in the art of real talk.

I never considered a career in broadcasting, not even as a kid.

If we go to Chihuahua we must be considered as prisoners of war?

I've never considered myself to be beautiful, and I still don't.

Everything considered, work is less boring than amusing oneself.

I never considered the move to Washington to be a permanent move.

I was not considered a kid that would be successful in my career.

For most of my life, I've considered myself a political centrist.

Miss Searle had always considered boredom an intellectual defeat.

I've never considered myself a lyricist, but I have stuff to say.

Modesty used to be considered a natural female attribute. No more.

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