It's the nicest thing on earth if someone comes up to me and says, ...

It's the nicest thing on earth if someone comes up to me and says, 'Every day I drink out of a mug you designed.'

I have come up the hard way.

Come up and see me sometime.

Evil comes up softly like a flower.

Moms come up to me at book signings.

If fans come up to me, I talk to them.

Come up and be a kite, On a diamond flight!

One man's trash that's another man's come up.

I expect the audience to come up to my level.

The more torque I can come up with, the better.

Whales who come up and spout off get harpooned.

I come up with my jokes by thinking of a topic.

Bargaining makes you come up with the best ideas.

I try to make good decisions as decisions come up.

No one has come up with a substitute for hard work.

I ought to come up there and break your shuck nose.

You've got to grab every opportunity that comes up.

Plan. Yes. Good idea. I should come up with a plan.

The cup that went down under has now come up again.

You can't come up with ideas if you don't see first.

Race always comes up in the conversation of Detroit.

They can make the wild ideas we come up with a reality.

In Denmark lots of people come up to me for autographs.

Don't criticise a hypothesis, come up with a better one.

His very foot has music in 't As he comes up the stairs.

When I come up against the real world, I just vacillate.

I could come up with 50 stories that I am thinking about.

Never make a personnel judgment the first time it comes up.

When you come up in the slums, having nothin make you humble

Just keep stirring the pot, you never know what will come up.

God told me once, 'I want you to come up to the lowest place.'

If you want to lead people, you have to let them come up close.

The best time to talk to ghosts is just before the sun comes up.

Once I come up with the concept, the rest of the song just comes.

But most people don't come up to me and express a lot of emotion.

Up! Children of Zulu, your day has come. Up! and destroy them all!

Don't wait until you're in a crisis to come up with a crisis plan.

No stranger ever comes up and talks to me. I'm the invisible woman.

Imagine trusting silence more than any thought you can come up with.

Today, ... anything you can come up with that works is worth trying.

I don't really have any dream roles. It's just things, which come up.

Nobody can dare me to do anything that I don't come up with on my own.

Today is the sort of day where the sun only comes up to humiliate you.

I hear a little firecracker go off when you come up with a good rhyme.

You'll either find the answer or you'll come up with a better question.

I've never been convinced that the sun would come up without me barking.

I always try and come up with a clear theme when I'm making a videogame.

If someone comes up to me, 90 percent of the time it's about Office Space.

When you're an actor, actually, you shouldn't come up with too many ideas.

When you're not blond and thin, you come up with a personality real quick.

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