Earth, earthriding your merry-go-roundtoward extinction,right to the ...

Earth, earthriding your merry-go-roundtoward extinction,right to the rootsthickening the oceans like gravy,festering in your caves,you are becoming a latrine.

Birds never sing in caves.

Medicine men live in caves.

Cracks make caves collapse.

Plato's cave is full of freaks.

If you are after truth, leave your cave!

Love, love, I have hung our cave with roses.

I retreat to my cave in a very male fashion.

...we can all shut-up and go back to our caves.

The frame of the cave leads to the frame of man.

We were diving in caves. It wasn't totally safe.

Having your own, um, cave at eighteen is pretty cool.

You don't have to be a cave man to appreciate Lascaux.

I don't ever want t' leave this cave, Jon Snow. Not ever

I found you people in mud huts.. you were living in CAVES!

Please tell me the cave just had a little indigestion. (Kat)

I'm so not macho. It's crazy. My man cave is so not a man cave.

And he whose soul is flat -- the sky Will cave in on him by and by.

Actors are cave dwellers in a rich darkness which they love and hate.

I wanted a library like this...[] A cave of words that I'd made myself.

I'm gonna go live in a cave, just completely live in my interior world.

If you go back to before mankind came out of the cave, there was hatred.

Born on a mountain, raised in a cave. Arresting fugitives is all I crave.

Any man who retreats into a cave which has only one opening deserves to die.

When things are really dismal, you can laugh, or you can cave in completely.

Job one is get out of that cave. A lot of people do get out but don't change.

Birds do not sing in caves, nor do doves cherish their innocence in dovecots.

For Cave Carson, I have a co-writer, so that takes off a lot of the pressure.

Caves and darkness can't hold you when you die, they can only hold your bones.

When life gives you lemons don't make lemonade, make pink lemonade. Be unique.

Full many a gem of purest ray serene, The dark unfathomed caves of ocean bear.

Never forget where you came from. That's what I think when I walk into a cave.

All the beasts in Howling Forest were safe in their caves, nests, and burrows.

Reclusive? The inner city will secure your privacy better than any desert cave.

Art ... is a force which blows the roof off the cave where we crouch imprisoned.

The cave-dweller's wife complained that he hadn't dragged her anywhere in months.

Fit for the mountains and the barbarous caves, where manners ne'er were preached.

People have been sharing pictures of their food for as long as there's been caves.

I would get a lot of writing done if I lived in isolation in a cave under a swamp.

The mystery is what prompted men to leave caves, to come out of the womb of nature.

In the name of Bacon will you chicken me up that egg. Shall I swallow cave-phantoms?

Caves are whimsical things, and geology on a local scale is random and unpredictable.

If there had been no troublemakers, no Dissenters, we should still be living in caves.

The lyrics are different from Nick Cave songs and lyrics. His songs are very narrative.

Nonviolence is not a cloistered virtue, confined only to the rishi and the cave-dweller.

We are being spoilt in Aladdin's cave today, and each goal seemingly better than the last.

God sends rain, but He also sends hoods; and when the rain grows heavier, He sends a cave.

Why are you still here?" she asked. "Shouldn't you be in a cave somewhere inspiring people?

You'd have to live in a cave not to know about the Carrier Dome. It put Syracuse on the map.

I couldn't stop staring at the cave, back where Dimitri was, back where half of my soul was.

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