India does not need to become anything else. India must become only India. This is a country that once upon a time was called the golden bird.

Sanitation should not be seen as a political tool, but should only be connected to patriotism (rashtrabhakti) and commitment to public health.

Even after Independence, we have had to face the poison of casteism and communalism. How long these evils will continue? Whom does it benefit?

This country has not been made by politicians, kings or governments. It has been made by farmers, labourers, our mothers and sisters and youth.

The 21st century is the century of knowledge. Knowledge, science and education will have the power and strength to embrace the entire universe.

We have to address the issues which prevent clean cities, clean rivers, regular, uninterrupted supply of essentials like water and electricity.

We need to embrace the change that digital connectivity can bring. Now, towns will come alongside places where optical fibre network is present.

When you bring in multi-brand retail items into the country, you're not just bringing the products, but you're also harming local manufacturers.

I have toured around for 45 years and have experience of night halt at more than 400 districts. And that's why I know the reality of this earth.

India is developing because of 125 crore strong Team India. We have to end the curse of casteism, communalism with the sweetness of development.

We do not need committees but we need commitment. The nation is already reeling under the burden of several committees formed in the last decade.

It is important how we view the youth of our nation. To simply consider them as new age voters will be a big mistake. They are the new age power.

Jan Bhagidari is the biggest asset of a democracy. We are increasing it through MyGov, letters from citizens, Mann Ki Baat and other initiatives.

The world measures the government of a nation on the basis of its condition in its own country, on how strong their word is in their own country.

The ultimate objective of subsidies should be to empower the poor, to break the cycle of poverty, and become foot-soldiers in our war on poverty.

Since Day 1, we have maintained that ours is a Government dedicated to the poor and will continue to work dedicatedly for the welfare of the poor.

I didn't become CM on 07-10-2001. I have always been CM, I am CM today and shall be CM forever. For me CM means not Chief Minister but Common Man.

Only those who keep walking get sweet returns... look at the sun's perseverance- dynamic & always on the move, never dormant... hence keep moving.

When I came here in 1999, all one could hear was the sound of the guns as guns were booming all around. Today I am only hearing clapping of hands.

When we say Bharat Vijay Rally, we intend to focus on making India emerge victorious over price rise, corruption, unemployment and mis-governance.

I know the youth of India. They are not merely asking for things. The youth wants to stand of their own feet and live a life of pride and dignity.

We teach in our cultural history that the entire universe is a family. So our association with Nature is much deeper and of a very different kind.

My 'Idea of India' calls not just for tolerance, but a celebration of all points of view. Where the sensibilities of every individual are respected

Let the professionals like doctors & engineers teach in schools once a week. Let's make teaching a national movement necessary for Nation building.

Mere good governance is not enough; it has to be pro-people and pro-active. Good governance is putting people at the center of development process.

Secularism is a term interpreted in many different ways by different people. For me, it has always been something very simple - putting India First

If the 21st Century is the era of knowledge and of knowledgeable human-force, then, to extol this force, Gujarat must form a strong bond with books.

We fought for freedom together. We had no government, no weapons to help us. We defeated such a big empire without any government, without any arms.

As India will complete 75 years of Independence in the year 2022, let's work towards Surajya & a nation where every section of society is developed.

We do not run government on whims of an individual, our progress is reforms driven, our reforms are policy driven and our policies are people driven.

You must think about building a 'granth-mandir' in your village. Why is your village lacking such a 'granth-mandir'? Start with 50 books...100 books.

Religion and faith are very personal matters. So far as the government is concerned, there is only one holy book, which is the Constitution of India.

A strong government is where the will of the people matters, where the voice of the people is heard and where the dreams of the people are fulfilled.

A major institutional reform is the move away from merely planning, to transforming India. The setting up of NITI Aayog, is a step in this direction.

Technology enables last mile delivery. Blending it with the will and determination to deliver, Gujarat has experienced the true power of e-governance.

Every village should celebrate its birthday & it will end the poison of casteism... and once casteism ends, see how the strength of villages increase!

In every walk of life, you must have leaders. An education in the spiritual world, in the labor field, in the agricultural field, we must have leaders.

Coming age is the age of knowledge. However rich, poor or powerful a country be, if they want to move ahead, only knowledge can lead them to that path.

There are 18,500 villages in the country where electricity is yet to reach. We want to ensure these villages are electrified within the next 1000 days.

The world may be driven by the same ancient impulses. We will continue to see human struggles and successes. We will witness human glory and tragedies.

My government is working for the common man. Our priority is the poor of the country. We want good governance through a dynamic and seamless government.

I'm not in favour of dividing Hindus and Sikhs. I'm not in favour of dividing Hindus and Christians. All the citizens, all the voters, are my countrymen.

The work to eradicate corruption must begin from the top. It is spread like termite in our country. We have to work at all levels to eradicate corruption

I believe you never get tired by doing work. You get tired when you don't work. When you clean your house, you don't get tired; it gives you satisfaction.

It is impossible for the nation to develop unless states develop, the process of policy planning also has to change from 'top to bottom' to 'bottom to top

I got an excellent opportunity to learn and understand democratic values early on. And it shook me. This played a significant role in making me what I am.

Make in India! By this, we mean we want to give low cost manufacturing, ease of business, skilled manpower. India is a land of huge possibilities & scope.

The launch of PSLV-C23 fills every Indian's heart with pride and I can see the joy and satisfaction on your faces. Feel privileged to watch this in person.

I brought Bhagawad Gita as a gift for the Japanese PM...I don't have anything better than Gita to give & nor does the World has anything better to receive.

The young generation of today is globally connected. They want to live in an equitable and efficient India. We have to be ready for this, and work for this.

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