A good messenger expects to get shot.

The hands are the heart's messengers.

Tears are the messengers of true love.

Dancers are the messengers of the gods.

Coincidence is a messenger sent by truth.

Man is a messenger who forgot the message.

Your smile is a messenger of your goodwill.

A good message will always find a messenger.

None love the messenger who brings bad news.

I'm not the messenger at all. I'm the message.

As a writer you have a duty to be a messenger.

A wanton eye is a messenger of an unchaste heart.

The messenger is not as important as the message.

When the student is ready, the messenger appears.

Our lives are God's messengers beneath the stars.

I'm an imperfect messenger, but the message is perfect.

Messengers and mountain bikers share a common chromosome.

There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is God's messenger.

Love is the way messengers from the mystery tell us things

For what good turn? Messenger: For the best turn of the bed.

Dont shoot the messenger for revealing uncomfortable truths.

Gospel artists are messengers; they are vessels of a message.

Judge not by the form of the messenger, but the form of the message.

I am under the direction of messengers from Heaven daily and nightly.

Music sweeps by me as a messenger - Carrying a message that is not for me

I just wanted to be Patti's [Smith] messenger and get her word out there.

Indeed we are all in peril if the flawed messenger invalidates the message.

The media is the message and the messenger, and increasingly a powerful one.

I am here merely as a messenger. Tashi sends her love and returns your horse.

Cameras in court are just messengers; don't blame them, blame the participants.

Count each affliction, whether light or grave, God's messenger sent down to thee.

The God who speaks with utmost integrity must have messengers who represent him well.

In many traditions, crows are messengers and close attention is paid to their actions.

The merry cuckow, messenger of Spring, His trumpet shrill hath thrice already sounded.

I'm just the messenger here. I'm just another representative of my faith, so to speak.

The Law of the Few... says that one critical factor in epidemics is the nature of the messenger.

Fame is not the glory! Virtue is the goal, and fame only a messenger, to bring more to the fold.

And always I have this feeling--which may not be true at all--that I am being used as a messenger.

Every word is a messenger. Some have wings; some are filled with fire; some are filled with death.

I'm God's messenger from the gypsy tent. And it's the message that's important, not the messenger.

Books are messengers of freedom. They can be hidden under a mattress or smuggled into slave nations.

I became Patti's [Smith] messenger, basically, and the film is my view of how I learned about Patti.

The young are going to be the messengers of this continued strengthening of the diversity in America.

I can see he's not in your good books,' said the messenger. 'No, and if he were I would burn my library.

Rumour was the messenger Of defamation, and so swift, that none Could be the first to tell an evil tale.

Some people say to me, "My God, but Fidel Castro is a communist!" I say: "No, he was a messenger of God."

When He send, His messengers will go, His prophets will prophesy, though all the world should forbid them.

[...]you know what they say about messengers, right"? Excuse me?" Too much bad news will get you shot."[...]

You know the saying, don’t kill the messenger? Hold that thought really, really close to your hearts. (Hermes)

Like so many before them, they didn't care that my dad was only the messenger. They still wanted to shoot him.

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