I've never actually been to prom.

I was fascinated by my own prom pictures.

I didn't go to prom - I was homeschooled.

I didn't go to prom - I DJ'd all my proms.

He went down like a cheerleader after prom.

I didn't go to prom because I was too punk.

I wore some stupid brocade dress to my prom.

I think prom is just about enjoying yourself.

I really love the idea of a short dress for prom!

Prom was awesome. I had such a great time at prom.

Most glorious night! Thou wert not sent for slumber!

Getting sacks are like prom night. It never gets old.

I didn't go to my prom. I didn't go to my homecoming.

I could've gone to prom... or I could've done 'X-Men.'

I actually didn't go to prom. I didn't have the chance.

Don't try to stand out that much for prom. Be yourself.

Well-I don't know if anyone would really ask me to prom.

Patent leather wedges-they were big when I went to prom!

I didnt go to the high school prom. Couldn't get a date.

We weren't wearing shoes on a full-time basis until prom.

I'll take being on Baywatch over being Prom Queen any day.

I was working in theater, so I didn't get to go to my prom.

My spring game was the day of the prom. I didn't go to prom.

Prom drops girls squarely into the beauty spending pipeline.

I sadly never got to my prom. I was shooting 'The Outsiders.'

Adolescence isn't just about prom or wearing sparkly dresses.

My ideal prom date would have to be cute, funny, sweet, nice.

When my senior prom was happening, I was in Malta filming 'Troy.

When my senior prom was happening, I was in Malta filming 'Troy.'

I thought, 'If I can't be prom queen, I can dance 'Les Sylphide.'

I went to my junior prom. It wasn't that fun... And I don't dance.

I wore a woman's antique fur jacket to my high school junior prom.

I didn't even go to my prom. I didn't have one date in high school.

I went to the prom with a girlfriend of my sister's, a platonic date.

I actually did not have a date to my prom. I ended up taking a friend.

I'm a nerd. Total geek. I never went to homecoming or prom or anything.

I'll probably never go to prom. I haven't ever been to a high school dance.

In high school, my prom date fooled around with another guy - on prom night!

I've never been to a black-tie thing in my life. I didn't even go to my prom.

I'm not looking for people to put that vote on me to be prom king of the UFC.

I never got to go to prom. I never went to regular school. I ate lunch by myself.

For 'Prom,' if I had missed high school, I don't think it would come off as real.

I was home-schooled for my entire high school experience, so I never went to prom.

I've got a heart like a college prom. Each one I dance with seems the best of all.

I went to my prom. I wore this olive green, floor-length backless dress. It was rad.

When you're kind of the ugly stepsister, you just go to the prom with whoever asks you.

I think I was a pretty normal kid. I wasn't the prom queen, but I wasn't a freak, either.

You're supposed to go to prom during high school. I don't go to high school. I homeschool.

It wasn't that no one asked me to the prom, it was that no one would tell me where it was.

I got hate letters from girls all over America because I wouldn't go to the prom with them.

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