Putin is like Al Capone.

I am the Truth (Ana al-Ḥaqq).

Al Gore invented the Internet.

Al Qaeda still remains a threat.

I have not seen Al Gore's movie.

Hyt is not al golde that glareth.

Sleep well and wake, Rand al'Thor.

Less is more, unless you're Al Gore.

I don't know a lot of agents like Al Hack.

But he's Rachel Candy!" -Both Jenks and Al

Zakhor. Al Tichkah. Remember. Never forget.

The chief al Qaeda recruiting tool is the net.

There's no connection between al-Qaeda and Iraq.

Don't be disabled in spirit as well as physically.

It's never over, al'Thor. The battle's never done.

Denying Al Qaeda safe haven was the right decision.

Toda idea, al fin y al cabo, es una idea demencial.

Al-Nahda is a movement; it is not just a small party.

Al Qaeda has been placed on the run, but not destroyed.

The candidates that can’t face Fox, can’t face al Qaeda.

Syria is lucky to have Bashar al-Assad as her President.

If Al Gore invented the Internet, I invented spell check.

Stategy in Iraq- defeat al-Qaeda; limit Iran's influence.

There are unquestionably links between al-Qaida and Iraq.

Iraq is now the central front in the war against al-Qaeda.

Did business with Qatar, a US ally which protects al-Qaeda.

Will an Iraq war make our Al Qaeda problem worse? Not likely.

We need to defeat al Queda and other terrorist organizations.

To be able to play as slow as Al Jackson is almost impossible.

Al Jolson was one of the greatest entertainers who ever lived.

Al journalism should be investigative, from football to cookery

I may be middle class, but I'm hard. 'Al dente', you could say.

As Al Franken has demonstrated, liberals give lousy talk radio.

Al is on the surface. And it's been a long way, but we're here.

Al: So what's your strategy? Ed: I told you, a fist in his face!

I've always said I don't believe in God, I believe in Al Pacino.

The National Education Association is the al-Qaida of education.

I never put my arms around John Gotti, Al Capone or Lucky Luciano.

The safe haven that al-Qaida has found in Pakistan is very troubling.

When I was young I looked like Al Capone, but I lacked his compassion.

Katrina opened a good door and Al Gore went through it with his movie.

Capitalism in Russia has spawned far more Al Capones than Henry Fords.

I mean everyone, from Al Pacino to Murphy Guyer, are phenomenal actors.

How many gangsters you know, from Al Capone up to John Gotti, been gay?

Fox News is worse than al Qaeda. It's as dangerous as the Ku Klux Klan.

It is the beginning of the end. [Fr., C'est le commencement de al fin.]

It is always an eerie experience to sit among Bashar al-Assad's soldiers.

But al be that he was a philosophre, Yet hadde he but litel gold in cofre.

[Al] Franken is left-wing and funny. He's a pretty good political humorist.

Al Davis treated me like son. That man helped me become the man I am today.

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