I have one speed, I have one gear: Go!

Doing 'Top Gear' is absolutely wicked!

I love 'Top Gear'. It's my favorite show.

He lives with his creativity in high gear.

Gear not working on a live show - that is rough.

I always say, 'This will be my last 'Metal Gear.'

I can only go one way. I've not got a reverse gear.

I just love music gear, I'm a total geek all around.

I think 'Top Gear,' it's about people knocking about.

'Top Gear' is one of those shows that you'd love to do.

I could talk about technique, theory and gear for days!

My characters came with a lot of gear, a lot of weaponry.

Top Gear' reflects the behaviour of the motorist in the U.K.

I'll probably watch 'Top Gear' with the family and the kids.

I had always realized it was desirable to gear down the jet.

Stepping up a gear during any race is not an easy thing to do.

I've been buying instruments and musical gear for a long time.

Well, if Fortune be a woman, she's a good wench for this gear.

No matter who you are, you must wear proper gear while driving.

If I'm not working, I usually wear my gym gear and a fresh face.

My boss told me to get my butt in gear. I told him I was shiftless.

We'd become lazy with 'Top Gear,' doing six or seven shows a series.

Before you're a mom you don't know what gear is going to be relevant.

I would love to be on 'Top Gear' as a star in a reasonably priced car.

The man that's out to do something has to keep in high gear all the time.

Get up every morning, tell yourself you are beautiful and gear up to win!

Every guy has to own a good pair of sweats. Any good workout gear, really.

Low-cost gear can make restless people like myself feel marginally happier.

The Champions League is a very special one, as everyone switches one gear up.

We call chemistry the 'c' word on 'Top Gear,' and you can't fake that, can you?

With better gear, firefighters no longer surround and drown a fire - they go in.

Top Gear' is a huge brand. We were always going to come across negative comments.

My biggest failure is 'Metal Gear.' It's my biggest failure and my biggest success.

With archery, if you have good gear, you can't blame being bad on anyone but yourself.

I have an aversion to taking care of my gear, a wayward manifestation of my punk ethos.

In political science, public support doesn't have a reverse gear. It always goes forward.

Darn the wheel of the world! Why must it continually turn over? Where is the reverse gear?

Kamal Haasan makes sure that his co-artists wear the safety gear when they perform stunts.

I ended up buying a van to chuck all my fishing gear in because I couldn't keep using my car.

Everything's challenging for me, singing-wise. I'm like an old truck with one gear left on it.

My first bit of gear was a Roland JV-1010 sound module. I used to hammer the hell out of that.

Expensive gear helps for night shots, but I wouldn't recommend beginners overspend on a camera.

The blue gear with the red dinosaur is special to me because that's the first gear I wore in NXT.

The best indication is that I still love to ski on most anything, from skating gear to heavy metal.

It would be a bloody tough call to do 'Top Gear' without Jeremy. That would be a bit of a daft idea.

It usually helps me write by reading - somehow the reading gear in your head turns the writing gear.

Set the gearshift for the high gear of your soul, you've got to run like an antelope out of control!

If you have good gear and shoes, you can go for long runs and sustain yourself for a longer duration.

During the season, I'm always locked in one gear, ready to play basketball, always keeping my guard up.

Younger people obviously are more likely to openly express their political affiliations in terms of gear.

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