I still keep my accent.

I like a New York accent.

I love the Midwest accent.

My accent is very confused.

My neutral accent is Bolton.

No one can understand my accent!

My accent's become a weird hybrid.

I never really had a strong accent.

My accent depends on whom I'm around.

It's easier to act in your own accent.

No, no, no. Your accent is so beautiful.

I have a funny accent in every language.

I'm a Yente and I have a terrible accent.

You don't do classics with a Texas accent.

A Southern accent is not a club in my bag.

I'm a bit like a chameleon with my accent.

I personally am not conscious of my accent.

I love the Scottish accent; it is very sexy.

I would pay good money for a British accent.

Work on the accent, it will enliven the whole.

They seem to be charmed by my Southern accent.

When I was very little, I had an Essex accent.

I can hardly understand the Australian accent.

I'm not conscious of having changed my accent.

I'm intimidated by anyone with a British accent.

My voice was awkward. I had a deep Texan accent.

Someday, I'll make a movie with a British accent.

The way I work, I didn't hold the accent all day.

My hair and my accent are sort of my main assets.

I've not been called on to do a lot of accent work.

I think anything sounds good with a Southern accent.

I had a Southern accent but I had broken it so hard.

An accent in a way can be an entry into a character.

I'm a parrot. I can pick up an accent and just do it.

You may hear from my fabulous accent that I'm French!

Don't let the American accent fool you. I am British.

I'm the only one in my family with an American accent.

I, on the other hand, have a bit of a southern accent.

I'm a sucker for any guy with an accent with any kind.

I'm very proud of my Southern accent, it's part of me.

Nobody's going to tell me to rap in an American accent.

You can't do Shakespeare with a Southern accent, honey.

I was bullied because I have this thick Nigerian accent.

Apparently when I went to school, I had a Glasgow accent.

I'm already really aware and self-conscious of my accent.

I believe a good actor does not have an accent of his own.

The East Texas accent is a famously difficult accent to do.

I speak Hindi with a Punjabi accent, not a Haryanvi accent.

You can learn any accent you want. It's a fascinating thing.

I think every English actor is nervous of a Newcastle accent.

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