I can't stand accessories.

Bras are like accessories to me.

The best fashion accessory is a book.

Accessories are like vitamins to fashion

I see BOLD accessories as a woman's armor.

The best accessory for a woman - handsome man!

Wear an unusual accessory to complete your outfit.

Books are always the best accessories to anything.

My mother worshipped at the altar of the accessory.

I'm not huge on accessories, though I love sunglasses.

A well dressed man is a best accessory a woman can have

Given the choice, I would spend my money on accessories.

We must boycott fur coats as well as all the accessories.

I have an engagement ring, which is my favorite accessory.

I hate nostalgia, it's laziness with prettier accessories.

I'm a big believer that accessories can make or break a look.

The best accessories a girl can have are her closest friends.

I like to keep it bare minimum, be it make-up or accessories.

I love accessories. I'm a girl. I love shoes. I love handbags.

The map was just an accessory. She knew exactly where she was.

Confidence is the best accessory. It can make or break an outfit.

I hate it when people match their clothes, shoes and accessories.

When putting on accessories, take off the last thing you've put on.

For me, hair is an accoutrement. Hair is jewelry. It's an accessory.

If I'm going to mix gold and silver, I make my accessories all match.

I enjoy hats. And when one has filthy hair, that is a good accessory.

The object of the passion is just an accessory to the passion itself.

Most of the clothes and accessories in my videos come from my wardrobe.

On shooting days, I have all my accessories, and I style the final look.

Knowledge is always accompanied with accessories of emotion and purpose.

I like to pair clothes or accessories that wouldn't usually go together.

I love Anthropologie when it comes to accessories. They just have it all!

Accessories are important and becoming more and more important every day.

Accessories are everything. To me, they're more important than the clothes.

Don't go overboard with too many accessories and too many different things.

The soldier's body becomes a stock of accessories that are not his property.

My father Dwarakaprasad Bedi had an electrical accessories factory in Delhi.

Cute accessories always help bring out your outfit and pull it all together.

You must always remember, the most important fashion accessory is the condom.

When I found out how many accessories they have for babies, I was overwhelmed.

Sometimes simple accessories are all you need when your dress speaks for itself.

I love a kind of androgynous look and then let the accessories / clothes shape it.

Frankly, too many women treat their husbands as accessories instead of priorities.

My motto is to go wild on the accessories - the belts, the hair clips, the jewelery.

Any opportunity to adorn oneself is human, and accessories are an easy way to do it.

I decided to do everything around fashion but fashion itself, and that's accessories.

Even though beauty is very much my heritage, my real passion is accessories and home.

I like to wear colors and prints in the summer and play with extravagant accessories.

I'm a magpie - I collect accessories and trinkets. But I don't have expensive tastes.

I am allergic to metals, so, I am minimal on accessories. Also, I don't wear watches.

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