I support accountability.

Secrecy destroys accountability.

Good men prefer to be accountable.

I take accountability for my actions.

I made the decision. I'm accountable.

The taxpayers deserve accountability.

I'm a big proponent of accountability.

We're about winning and accountability.

Hold everybody accountable? Ridiculous!

Accountability breeds response-ability.

It was accountability that Nixon feared.

A local company has more accountability.

Never promise more than you can perform.

Accountability doesn't mean apologizing.

It means a lot. It means I'm accountable.

ACCOUNTABILITY, n. The mother of caution.

I am lord of myself, accountable to none.

Accountability only works if you want it to.

To be a tourist is to escape accountability.

There is no accountability in soft money. None.

I fully support accountability and transparency.

We either believe in accountability or we don't.

The job of media is the accountability of government.

Consumer accountability drives quality and efficiency.

Transparency increases credibility and accountability.

Acknowledgment of torture is not accountability for it.

I take accountability for being dumb and irresponsible.

Truth and accountability were drilled into me as a child.

Truly great companies are built on ideals, not just deals.

I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability.

No one in the Emirates is above the law and accountability.

Government commissions are where accountability goes to die.

Transparency and accountability must be restored in politics.

If you let other people do it for you, they will do it to you.

One person's embarrassment is another person's accountability.

Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result.

I just think we need more accountability and more transparency.

Be brave and take accountability for your thoughts and beliefs.

The key to growth is to learn to make promises and to keep them.

The royal family are protected from public accountability by law.

Good men are bound by conscience and liberated by accountability.

Dignity is the reward of holding oneself accountable to conscience.

Responsibility and accountability has to be taken by the top order.

The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions.

I'm all for accountability courts and helping those who need helping.

I do support high standards, strong accountability, and local control.

We promised the Accountability Act, we delivered the Accountability Act.

It's not an insult to have a past and to have some accountability to it.

Don't get up from the feast of life without paying for your share of it.

Accountability in friendship is the equivalent of love without strategy.

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