The acoustics seem to get louder

I've always toured solo acoustic.

So acoustic, I don't even need a pick.

I've always been fond of acoustic music.

Bruce Marshall's acoustic set gets a big thumbs up from me.

I love the subtlety and tonal range of the acoustic guitar.

I just didn't expect an acoustic version of Rock'n'Roll All Nite.

Beyond the Thunder is the closest I've recorded to an acoustic thing.

I've actually always wanted to make something like an acoustic record.

I'd love to do an acoustic album alright, just on stage. That'd be nice.

The thing is, acoustic could be like a four-letter word to a lot of kids.

I really appreciate when someone can blow me away with live acoustic blues

Cubism ('multi-locationalism') is one of the painterly forms of acoustic space.

I prefer to sing in the shower because the acoustics make you sound great, baby.

I've always been interested in finding out more about the properties of acoustics.

You know, there's times when you should play and there's times when you gotta hold back.

I seldom play in a trio, but acoustic music is likely to be lighter, quicker, and quieter.

I don't touch electric guitars. It's just not my thing - I stick with acoustic guitars only.

My sound is super hybrid; the acoustic sounds are there and the electronic sounds are there.

Well, I have been playing electric guitar all these years and acoustic was something new to me.

One thing I'm doing on the new Titanic recording is actually bringing in different acoustic spaces.

It is at least 10 times more difficult to get a good synthesiser sound than on an acoustic instrument.

At first acoustics attributed to the different sounds only a limited number of characteristic features.

Linguistic sounds, considered as external, physical phenomena have two aspects, the motor and the acoustic.

Amplifying acoustic instruments more than a little is really cheating, and everything becomes a compromise.

In 1996, I was in was in an acoustic kind of rock band, we were called Feeble. We were just playing locally.

How do I explain Neil Young? Great question! I explain Neil Young as, I would kill to see his acoustic shows.

With real estate, it's location, location, location. In public speaking, it's acoustics, acoustics, acoustics.

Technology was something I avoided when I started out - I didn't even have electric guitars. Only played acoustic.

No other acoustic instrument can match the piano's expressive range, and no electric instrument can match its mystery.

Medieval and ancient sensibility now dominates our time as acoustic and multisensory awareness displaces the merely visual.

Ive also just come off a year and a half playing acoustic shows which is fantastic for the hands, and changes your head a little bit.

The magic of film isn't just because of the big screen, or the acoustics, but the ineffable shared experience of going to the movies.

With electronic music, you are not confined to the acoustics of a concert-hall, and that inspired me to bring my performances outdoors.

If you're playing in a room that holds 15,000 people, it's just a question of how bad the room acoustics are and in what way they're bad.

I was down with Lucinda Williams and Mary Chapin-Carpenter. We did an acoustic tour, just the three of us, three chicks and three guitars

I always lived with guitarists. When they would leave, I would just pick up their acoustic guitars and start doing finger picking and write.

The Smith Center is a theater where you want to keep the lights on. The acoustics are amazing, and this is a stage that was built for sound.

I really enjoy playing solo acoustic. I think it's good for me as a songwriter to stay in touch with what it takes to make a song work by yourself.

I approach playing acoustic guitar more of as a percussive instrument. It's fragile. I don't have a lot of finesse when it comes to my guitar playing.

I think it's one of my favourite theatres ever, so quirky and wonderful and steeped in history. The space is wonderful and the acoustics are brilliant.

The great problem of the concert hall is that the shoebox is the ideal shape for acoustics but that no architect worth their names wants to build a shoebox.

I like those older theaters - the acoustics are perfect, I mean, you just have that feel of there's been a thousand shows in there and now you get to be one.

I really think the acoustics that Gibson's been making for the last ten years or so are as good as any the company has ever produced and that's saying a lot.

I actually bought a travel guitar, and that guitar is really cool. You can actually fold the guitar, and you can plug headphones into it, but it's acoustic, or semi-acoustic.

I think that this performance with the Thingamajigs is going to be an exploration of the acoustic space and particularly the vertical space, which we don't think about so much.

Every one of the songs was based around picking an acoustic guitar. That was part of the concept from the beginning, that the tempos were going to go from slow to almost mid-tempo.

Or like in the early 70's when we had the reaction against acid rock and all the fuzz tone, and feedback, and the noise. And you had James Taylor and everyone went acoustic and that.

Geography is crucial for my work. I went to Antarctica and took a studio to several of the main ice fields to make field recordings of ice to create a symphony - acoustic portraits of ice.

Although a crisp texture is the single most prized quality in an apple - even more desirable than taste, according to one study - crispness is more a matter of acoustics than of mouth feel.

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