I always tell the truth. Even when I lie.

I was acting when I was playing baseball.

I love acting, but it's all just a bonus.

A lot of what acting is paying attention.

Do the thing and you will have the power.

Acting is the perfect idiot's profession.

Acting is fun. Don't let that get around.

I haven't actually studied acting at all.

There's so much crap talked about acting.

I came to acting in a very circuitous way.

Come on, I know bad acting when I hear it.

Acting is an everlasting search for truth.

Acting is a matter of giving away secrets.

I was kind of scared of failing at acting.

Acting was all I ever really wanted to do.

Death Of A Salesman is a great acting job.

Acting is everybody's favorite second job.

I got into the acting business very young.

Acting is the loneliest profession I know.

Good acting is consistency of performance.

Acting is an empty and useless profession.

Stop explaining yourself. Shut up and act!

While acting is a passion, hosting is fun.

I started acting professionally at age 19.

Empathy is at the heart of the actor's art.

I'm the audience's representative on earth.

I won't say I've closed the door on acting.

Dancing came easy for me. Acting came hard.

I love to continue acting. It's my passion.

I've always felt acting is a part of music.

This nation loves singing and loves acting.

Every director should take an acting class.

Bad acting is the ultimate inconsideration.

Acting is where my heart is. I love acting.

There is no overacting, only untrue acting.

She runs the gamut of emotions from A to B.

Acting can be fun. Don't let it get around.

The best actors do not let the wheels show.

My first acting job was a Breck commercial.

Don't let yourself be lulled into inaction.

I've never worked with an acting coach, no.

I had the acting bug from a very early age.

The ultimate acting is to destroy yourself.

For me really good acting is about subtext.

I love doing both animation and live acting.

I didn't want to start acting like a cartoon

You never really see me acting a fool on TV.

Acting has always been such escapism for me.

A career in acting, it's a learning process.

One of the joys about acting is researching.

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