I've always enjoyed Acting. Acting is acting

I enjoy acting when you really hit it right.

If I wasn't an actor, I'd be a secret agent.

I don't get acting jobs because of my looks.

Forget acting. It's all about rock 'n' roll.

We are all Gods acting like goddamned fools.

I don't know what acting is, but I enjoy it.

I kind of fell into acting.I was very lucky.

All great art comes from a sense of outrage.

A lot of what acting is is paying attention.

I think acting is getting better and better.

I was acting my way through the whole thing.

When I first started acting, I was just crap.

I do acting for the awards... and cash money.

Being pigeonholed is the death of all actors.

Well, we are men. Let's start acting like it.

There is nothing worse than bad drunk acting.

Well, my brother started acting before I did.

Coal mining is tough. Acting is just tedious.

I'm acting with the best actors in the world.

My passion and energy get mistaken for anger.

Death is just the last scene of the last act.

Acting can be very selfish and all-consuming.

I detest acting because it is sheer drudgery.

Well, I'm never happier than when I'm acting.

Once I committed to acting, this has been it.

I would say acting on stage is my first love.

Wishing is not acting. But willing is acting.

My father was a writer and an acting teacher.

Each song, you're telling a story and acting.

I love great acting, as nerdy as that sounds.

Music is my wife and acting is my girlfriend.

Acting is a way of living out one's insanity.

I'm more interested in producing than acting.

And it [acting] was exciting to me. And scary.

I really love both acting and singing equally.

Faith is acting like God is telling the truth.

Every little moment has a meaning all its own.

I don't think I'm proud of anything in acting.

I've never been in an acting class in my life.

There is a need for aloneness... for an actor.

Acting is really a give-and-take; it's a dance.

I don't remember ever not knowing about acting.

I'd say that acting is a side project for Jack.

I think good acting is always character acting.

I wish they taught green screen acting classes.

You can't rely on the acting to tell the story.

The foundation for film acting is stage acting.

An ounce of behavior is worth a pound of words.

I have learned that acting is not about beauty.

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