Klopp would be a great addition to any team.

In addition we also hire many senior citizens.

It's a good addition to get a female perspective.

Every addition to true knowledge is an addition to human power.

The addition of nuts in salad... I always find to be beneficial.

Politics is human beings; it's addition rather than subtraction.

In addition I wanted to write a Southern novel, because I'm a Southerner.

Orange blossom water would make a magical addition to your store cupboard.

In addition to that, Mono has produced a very large set of extra libraries.

I come from a past of addition, so I didn't pay much attention to politics.

In order to reduce the deficit, there has to be revenue in addition to cuts.

I never saw a painting that would not be improved by the addition of tropical fish.

I always use primary sources, in addition to reading biographies and other materials.

In addition to protein, edamame is a great source of fiber and mono-unsaturated fats.

I'm a minister, and I serve as a minister in addition to being a university professor.

Society needs people who can manage projects in addition to handling individual tasks.

In addition to being a writer, I'm a librarian - professionally trained and everything.

In addition to the dread of Indians, Texas held out no inducements for Mexican emigrants.

It is the addition of strangeness to beauty that constitutes the romantic character in art.

As a cabin boy on a Norwegian sailing ship I earned five kronen a week in addition to my keep.

Good-quality nuts, toasted in a little butter and salt, make a magical addition to many salads.

In addition to being a terrorist recruiting tool, Guantanamo is a huge drain on taxpayer dollars.

You have to remember that in addition to running a literary agency, I am also an ebook publisher.

The addition of romance in my books or mystery to a historical romance is the sauce, not the goose.

In addition to reining in spending, taxes, tolls and fees, let's rein in how much the state borrows.

Life does not proceed by the association and addition of elements, but by dissociation and division.

To force a man to pay for the violation of his own liberty is indeed an addition of insult to injury.

I can manage in six languages - Marathi and Gujarati, in addition to Urdu, Hindi, Punjabi and Bangla.

I really think that Steven Caple, Jr. is going to be a great addition to the 'Rocky' director pantheon.

In addition to the research, I enjoyed learning French and assimilating the culture of another country.

In addition to being an extraordinary actor, Bryan Cranston is a really generous guy and also very funny.

In addition to higher pay, federal government employment is far more secure than private-sector employment.

In addition, there is one title I cherish a great deal more than Congressman and that is the title of... Dad.

In addition to serving overseas, the Peace Corps' Crisis Corps Volunteers have helped their fellow Americans.

Story may not be a great addition to some games - games where action is the whole reason for the game to exist.

I'm a drag queen who is thoughtful and serious about drag in addition to being funny, ambitious, and glamourous.

You can't be happy if you're not tolerably happy with yourself. The addition of friends adds immeasurably to life.

The reason I've been able to maintain my position of chairman of CBS in addition to all the Viacom stuff is my team.

The reactions of organic magnesium compounds are of two kinds - reactions of substitution and reactions of addition.

I'm calling myself 'The Doodler,' and with the simple addition of a small burglar's mask, I achieve utter anonymity.

My own cabaret is constantly evolving with what is occurring in my own life, so motherhood is a natural addition to it.

I'm a big fan of David Sedaris; I love all his books and have them all on audio and e-reader, in addition to hard copies.

Well, I have an unhealthy obsession with coffee. There are at least five or six cups a day, in addition to the morning pot.

I loved teaching. In addition to that, I love physics. And so what could be better than to talk physics to bright young students?

In addition, each barrel of oil we save through conservation further decreases our dangerous reliance on unstable Middle East oil.

Never short of guns and guerrillas, Afghanistan has proven fertile ground for a host of insurgent groups in addition to the Taliban.

I don't think there's a subject matter that can't absorb 3-D; that can't tolerate the addition of depth as a storytelling technique.

I'm obsessed with cleanliness for myself, so I will take a bath three times a day, sometimes a steam twice a day in addition to that.

In addition to intense workouts, you need to be mindful of what you are feeding your body in order to keep it looking trim and tight.

In addition to a well-funded school system, we need to encourage and exploit innovative approaches for learning outside the classroom.

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