Campaigns are about adjustments.

Cooking is the art of adjustment.

Life in the NFL is an adjustment.

Coming off the bench was an adjustment for me.

Every year I try to make adjustments and learn.

Every new adjustment is a crisis in self-esteem.

I think I'm constantly in a state of adjustment.

...the change was adjustment without improvement.

A racing car is an animal with a thousand adjustments.

Happiness comes from... some curious adjustment to life.

The playoffs are a chess match, with adjustments every game.

Insanity - a perfectly rational adjustment to an insane world.

My biggest adjustment has been learning not to be afraid to fail.

As for adjustments, I think every relationship changes every day.

The first game of the year is always an in-season adjustment game.

Occasionally, you have to make adjustments and try different things.

I've very critical of myself, and film has been an adjustment for me.

Freedom is an internal achievement rather than an external adjustment.

Rehab is one thing, but it takes years to get that attitude adjustment.

Pitchers made an adjustment to me. It's up to me to come up with an answer.

For me, as a pocket quarterback, there wasn't much adjustment as I got older.

I think everyone is born 100 percent ego, and after that it's just adjustment.

Life is the continuous adjustment of internal relations to external relations.

Every day, you got to do adjustments. Every pitch. You got to do what it takes.

The biggest adjustment from the minors was learning to spend $45 in meal money.

I'm not an idiot; I can make adjustments to my life. But I like having a schedule.

[T]he merciful adjustment which nature makes when what cannot be cured must be endured.

The change from being undercover to coming out into the open was a bit of an adjustment.

Adjustment? She called that an adjustment? How about I adjust her right out of existence?

A single economy makes the constant adjustments necessary to facilitate trade impossible.

With the right support and reasonable adjustments, autistic people make wonderful employees.

The whole process of mental adjustment and atunement can be summed up in one word: Gratitude

I'm consistently making adjustments. You're going to have to do that in the postseason, too.

I think there's always an adjustment when somebody new is runnings things, from the top down.

Game management, game decisions, adjustments, seeing things during games - it's all important.

It's exciting to play someone who is a bit tougher than I am. I liked feeling those adjustments.

Pitchers make adjustments, and it's up to the hitters to readjust and sort of tweak what they do.

Obviously making the adjustment to playing against grown men in the NBA, it's all a learning curve.

It's a game of adjustments. Your hands aren't going to be in the right spot 100 percent of the time.

The ability of a television series to make adjustments is something you've got to take advantage of.

Divorce isn't just the person, it's everything that goes with it - your kids, the adjustment, everything.

In life, when you lose anyone, there's always an adjustment period - emotionally, mentally and physically.

Our civilization has evolved through the continuous adjustment of society to the stimulus of new knowledge.

In the adjustment of the new order of things, we women demand an equal voice; we shall accept nothing less.

Taste as you go. When you taste the food throughout the cooking process you can make adjustments as you go.

T-Lue is as bright as they come. He's incredible at making adjustments, holding guys accountable, relating.

I was being laughed at. I hated it, so I made an adjustment to control the situation. All comics learn that.

I wouldn’t be without my regular schedule of chiropractic adjustments because of my very strenuous schedule.

Any time you go into a new environment, you have to learn a new system, there are adjustments you have to make.

I'm a very private guy, so it's an adjustment for me, but a welcomed one, as long as the work remains the focus.

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