The record business sucks!

I think timing is everything.

Miracles happen every day - I'm one!

I'm not homophobic; I'm just not gay.

I want to live. I didn't have time to die.

TLC never broke up. We are sisters for life.

Whatever your hustle is, go somewhere with it.

What I'm proud of, we learned from our lessons.

If you want to live, you have to face your fears.

'Creep,' unfortunately, was one of my true stories.

A role model can teach you to love and respect yourself.

There's vultures out here. You need to listen and learn.

I had an attitude problem when I was a kid. I'm not gonna lie.

I get nervous as hell when it's time for the songs to come out.

I've traveled the world in one of the best groups ever. I'm 42.

The TLC sound! That's what's so awesome - we have our own sound.

Because of my sickle-cell disease, I have a high tolerance for pain.

The doctors told me I could never have kids, but God blessed me anyway.

I had to learn a lot about myself during the situation with my brain tumor.

It's amazing what miracles and little angels and pure love around you can bring out.

I'm in charge of raising a young woman one day, to be a mother and hopefully a wife.

Great music, timeless music is hard to come by, but there are some that are like that.

Just because I'm not dancing on a video every five seconds doesn't mean I'm not working.

I feel naked without earrings. I'll pass out twice. It feels like I'm missing a body part.

I don't care how much money you have in the world. It's not about that. It's all about time.

No matter what, everyone will go through a disagreement - that's what makes us all different.

In life, you have to learn how to heal. You never get over stuff, but you have to learn how to heal.

I've been through a lot with sickle-cell, but my recovery from the brain tumor was the hardest thing.

I would like to confirm that Perri Reid was the only person who ever suggested that Chilli leave TLC.

Some people criticize me for always wearing different variations of bobs, but bobs never go out of style.

The interesting thing about the TLC network is that they were interested in following me, not leading me.

In life, when you lose anyone, there's always an adjustment period - emotionally, mentally and physically.

Everything happens the way it's supposed to because it's just like cavemen - you evolve and grow and learn.

'Waterfalls' spoke to so many people at a time where people needed to feel like somebody was on their side.

I'm not ashamed of anything I've done, because if I feel ashamed, I'm not going to do it in the first place.

I guess I have to prove myself all over again, even if it's to the world. I don't have a problem doing that.

I remember getting flowers and champagne for being one of the first black artists on MTV. That was a big deal.

I have learned to smile when I wasn't happy, to sing when I didn't feel like it, and to do things just to please my fans.

I want to raise my own baby. I don't want my baby crying for some other strange lady, some nanny. I am not down with that.

Bell Biv Devoe, back in the day, we used to look up to them. They had incredible style back then, so we wanted to be like them.

I don't care about Donald Trump. I mean, God is my president. So I just feel sorry for people it affects, but I don't care about him.

Don't sit there and wallow in woe-is-me stuff that happened in your past. Move forward. Face whatever you're afraid of. Or deal with it.

I got kicked out of four high schools just because people took issue with the colour of my skin. As if I could help the colour I was born.

At the end of the day, I do think there's a higher power, and the way I feel about things and choose to do things has an effect on that outcome.

I have to thank God for bringing me through and allowing me to continue to do charitable work for other sick children suffering with sickle cell.

You're always in a blessed position if you have a great success story, especially to be in a position to be able to tell it so people can even understand.

To have a body of work is a blessing - when you have songs that have been around generation after generation that they call timeless music, you can work that for a long time.

I've worked in the studio with a lot of young girls, and they'll go, 'Oh, the label is telling me to take off my clothes, and I don't feel comfortable.' Well if you don't feel comfortable, don't do it.

One thing, parents: you need to realize is you've got to stop letting artists raise your kids. You're the parent. Why don't you monitor what your child wears? Ariana Grande didn't sign on to be a role model.

When my kid was five and playing with my camcorder. I don't like it. It makes it look fake looking, too much HD. I don't need to see your pores on TV, like why do I see your pores right here? That's not cool.

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