I'm a huge Aerosmith fan.

There's nothing like an Aerosmith groove

With me, you never know what is going to happen

Aerosmith went on The Simpsons and they had fun.

I like Journey, Bad Company, Soundgarden and Aerosmith.

When you are live you never know what is going to happen.

Aerosmith-one of the 10 best bands today? Yeah definitely.

Keep your nose to the grindstone. It sharpens your boogers.

The first willing concert I went to was Aerosmith when I was like 14.

Aerosmith is such a powerful band; I mean, it's like a steam locomotive.

Never say never. In your life you never know what's going to happen next.

Aerosmith's 'Rocks' is on the list of my top favorite albums of all time.

If we're karaoke-ing, I'm as likely to do Aerosmith as I am 'Sweeney Todd'.

I have N'Sync and Aerosmith and Britney Spears. I have a trifecta from hell.

When you're watching 'Armageddon,' and the Aerosmith song starts... Super funny.

I think a big dream would be to do something with Aerosmith or someone like that.

To be honest, I've only been to one concert, and it was Aerosmith. Aerosmith and Slash.

My James Taylor albums sat quite comfortably next to my Rush and Aerosmith collections.

We were accused of sounding like a couple of bands when we started out. Aerosmith was one.

I saw Aerosmith, and I was like, 'Wow, you can dress like a girl and still get girls? Hand me a scarf!'

Steven Tyler isn't in Aerosmith anymore, but his gravestone will probably say something about Aerosmith.

I think one of the most valuable things Aerosmith has is the energy we produce when we all play together.

Queen and Bon Jovi, Aerosmith and Guns N' Roses - I had a huge rock-band mania. I play a little bit of drums.

I truly loved doing the videos, but it has been hard hearing all the time that you're just the Aerosmith chick.

I don't want to be known as the Aerosmith chick, but it's fun to put on the boots and makeup and act like a tough girl.

I was a big Pretty Purdie fan. I have heavy rhythm and blues influences, and that is what I bring to the table with Aerosmith.

Over the years, when you're in a band with a catalog like Aerosmith's, you accumulate a lot of instruments to duplicate those songs.

I definitely listened to country music. I don't think I listened to hair bands as much as I did Bruce Springsteen and U2 and Aerosmith.

I grabbed another. Aerosmith. Nope, can’t throw classic Aerosmith. I snatched a copy of the Thompson Twins’ greatest hits and chucked it at him.

Led Zeppelin, Aerosmith weren't polite. They were against the grain. And that's what we want our music to be: rude, aggressive... like real life.

The only difference between The Rolling Stones, Bruce Springsteen, Aerosmith, and Chubby Checker is that they get their music played on the radio.

For years I've wanted to find some guys that I could work with, because I realized a long time ago that I can do a lot of things other than Aerosmith.

You know, with bands like Kiss back out on the road and Aerosmith coming out, we are going to be a band like that, in the sense that it's a big rock band.

At 15, I started listening to hard rock and heavy metal, but I would say it was more hard rock because I liked Kiss, Aerosmith, Ted Nugent, and eventually AC/DC.

I'm of the generation that discovered Aerosmith because of Run-DMC. They just looked crazy to me. They were the dudes in the Run-DMC video. That's who Aerosmith was.

You see a documentary, you want to see it on Aerosmith or Jon Bon Jovi or Kiss, a band that's been established and sold millions of records and done something notable.

I actually grew up on rock music; that's what was played around my house. I listened to Led Zepplin, AC/DC, Metallica, Ozzy Osbourne, Nirvana, Aerosmith - really almost everything.

I think if you were to really peek under the hood of what got Aerosmith back again for our second life in the Eighties, you'll find out that it's exactly this, it's the willingness to take a risk.

I love Aerosmith. I love Guns N' Roses, AC/DC, anything from that era, Led Zeppelin. So my guitar style is very much like Slash or Jimmy Page. I love playing that kind of music. It's where my heart's at.

When I was growing up, you would put on a KISS record or a UFO or Aerosmith record and listen to it from the first song through the last song. It's been so long since a band has put out a record like that.

People often ask us if we had direct influences. Honestly, just a lot of different music - not necessarily individual people. We listen to anything from Bob Dylan to Massive Attack to Aerosmith to En Vogue. We very much enjoy all that music.

Any time I'm trying to find that groove on a big tempo song, I go back and listen to some Aerosmith records. 'Love in an Elevator,' 'Rag Doll,' all that stuff was really great music. It's something that I still dig and go back and listen to.

GN'R was five guys who were all into different things. I liked pop and disco, Izzy was into New York rock, Slash loved Aerosmith and Led Zeppelin, Axl was into Genesis and Elton John, and Duff was a punk rocker. We all blended that stuff together.

Hometown Aerosmith fans are different from other Aerosmith fans, and that mainly has to do with Joe Perry. It's tough to overstate his strange grip on the local psyche. Tyler is a star who belongs to the whole world, but Perry, that dude belongs to Boston.

So when I got to be about 13 or 14, I started listening - even though my parents music was way cool - to contemporary hard rock at that time, which was Aerosmith, Cheap Trick, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Ted Nugent and all that, and that's just where I came from.

Growing up, my parents always played artists like Alanis Morissette, Aerosmith and Michael Jackson, so I just grew to love their music. And I just love so many diverse artists for different reasons; some for their instruments, some for their edge, some for their vocals.

I get really frustrated - actually, it almost makes me angry - when I see, sometimes, magazines will publish a musician's playlist. They'll go and they'll ask, I don't know, somebody from Aerosmith or whoever, Coldplay, to list their five favourite albums. And it's always the same stuff!

Five years after Aerosmith got back together, I realized how fragile we are as humans. There was a time I thought we were bulletproof, but then things happened and I came to the realization that I had to play every gig as if it was my last show. You have to start thinking that way, because you never know what's going to happen next.

Hopefully we can be a band who has a career like U2 or Aerosmith or somebody like that but that's very far and few between. We're happy to be where we are at now, so it's a gift, you gotta just keep pushing forward. For all of us it's very easy to be out here and do what we do, easy in the sense that it's a gift but it can be difficult at times.

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