Alan Carr - I love him.

Alan Arkin is a good cook.

Alan Moore is a prophetic writer.

I'm often compared to Alan Rickman. I wish.

Alan Turing is such an amazing, tragic story.

I didn't know Alan Pardew before football at all.

You can't have Alan Partridge as Eddie the Eagle!

To be honest, I grew up with Alan Menken's music.

The first time I went to New York, I met Alan Freed.

I don't know a nicer guy in the world than Alan Alda.

Alan Cumming is such an amazing performer and person.

Yes, I'm happy with Alan Ball's production of my novels.

I'd rather be David Ladd's father than Alan Ladd any day.

When I was at Swansea, I lost Alan Davies, who was only 30.

Alan Greenspan is the worst Chairman of the Fed in history.

I think of Alan Thicke as Perry Como without the excitement.

Alan Turing, to me, always felt like an outsider's outsider.

Alan Ball, he's good at challenging his actors, I'll say that.

There are some days when you don't feel like being Alan Cumming.

Alan Rickman's Hans Gruber is the greatest bad guy in a movie ever.

Alan Greenspan is unskilled; you don't take the unskilled seriously.

Alan Shearer is a friend of mine and he is entitled to his opinions.

Alan Alda is a dear friend, nothing like the cynical, bitter Hawkeye.

I did a Broadway show with Alan Alda and how much money can Alan Alda have.

I'm pretty sure I'm a doppelganger for Alan Alda. I'm a trannie; I'm a man.

Alan Shearer was tough, would be hard to play against, a difficult opponent.

Jimmy McGovern - I love his writing, and I'm a big fan of him and Alan Clarke.

Alan Rusbridger is, to many, among the most admired newspaper editors of our time.

Alan Moore's writing is almost novelistic. It's very intricate and wordy and smart.

I'll always watch anything that Steve Coogan does in the character of Alan Partridge.

The original Beach Boys are Brian, Dennis and Carl Wilson, Mike Love, and Alan Jardine.

Get an Alan Bennett script; then everybody will want to do it, no matter how big they are.

I played behind Phil Thompson and Alan Hansen, and they were both brilliant centre-halves.

I worked with Chris Squire on a Greg Lake record in the early '80s, worked with Alan White.

Alan Greenspan is going to go down in history as one of the worst Federal Reserve chairmen ever.

Alan Whicker may be the last Briton to have worn a silver-buttoned blazer with complete confidence.

People either know Alan Rudolph and love every single one of his films or they don't know him at all.

Alan Carr is an out and proud gay man but there isn't a famous bisexual equivalent - it's a lot rarer.

If you believe that markets operate in Alan Greenspan fashion, then you don't inquire into the details.

My friendship with the great actor and director Alan Rickman did not have a particularly auspicious start.

Off the top of my head, Alan Cumming was probably my biggest inspiration, as an actor and as a queer person.

When you deal with Alan Ball, you're dealing with a person who is a genius in terms of how art imitates life.

People used to name me the Brazilian Pistorius. Thank God I'm not the Brazilian Pistorius any more. I'm Alan.

How I shall miss Alan Rickman, his beautiful command of English, and a voice he played like a musical instrument.

Alan King, a comedian I adored, was considered society, and I was considered the Jewish kid from the neighborhood.

I was shocked that I knew so little about Alan Turing. Then I started to read about him, and I got a little obsessed.

It's not easy to convey to someone who doesn't read comics just how Alan Moore has dominated the field since 'Watchmen.'

'We need a guy who plays dodge ball and thinks he's a pirate - get me Alan Tudyk on the phone!' Those are the jobs I do.

I've played under Alan Pardew, Gianfranco Zola, Avram Grant, Sam Allardyce, Alan Curbishley and Slaven's made me captain.

Alan Pardew brought me to Southampton and was a great influence and then we had consecutive promotions under Nigel Adkins.

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