The only time I feel alive is when I'm painting.

Do every stupid thing that makes you feel alive.

The patient is in intensive care but still alive.

We are only fully alive when we're helping others

There's no point living, if you can't feel alive.

You are not alive unless you know you are living.

It can't be dead. It was alive just a minute ago.

The glory of God is the human person fully alive.

If you're alive, there's a purpose for your life.

If I weren't already dead, I'd be alive with joy.

Everything we are is at every moment alive in us.

Humans are alive, therefore life must be complex.

Life is always fatal. No one gets out of it alive

An excess of science will leave none of us alive.

Do as I have taught you, and you will stay alive.

Words are animals, alive with a will of their own

I've got Jesus in my heart. I'm glad to be alive.

Rebellion is the only thing that keeps you alive!

Tweet, tweet, you're alive, you ignorant asshole.

I like Anastacia's version of Love is Alive best.

When you realize you're alive, you can live life!

No man alive can say, This shall not happen to me.

Life is the one thing you cannot get out of alive.

You're alive because of love. You're made of love.

What the world need is people who have come alive.

It's so weird to be alive and to be inside a body.

To be spiritually dead is to be diabolically alive

Mother cow is as useful dead as when she is alive.

I try to just take in every moment of being alive.

You'd be surprised at what you'd do to stay alive.

Life's not just about being alive, but being well.

In my world, I am one of the luckiest humans alive.

Stop worrying, nobody gets out of this world alive.

You have to learn how to die if you wanna be alive.

But unless we are creators, we are not fully alive.

If you don't have ambition, you shouldn't be alive.

Ain't a woman alive that could take my mama's place

Acknowledgement is the only way to keep love alive.

I was alive, they were not. Go Me. (Touch the Dark)

If nothing else, we simply get used to being alive.

To act as though we have hope is to keep hope alive

Theatre is alive and it is now, and then it's gone.

Men! Dead or alive, they could be exactly the same.

I thought, better to get out while I'm still alive.

We need to keep hope alive and strive to do better.

I need problems. A good problem makes me come alive.

How far would you go to keep the hope of love alive?

If we aren't victorious, let no man come back alive!

While they're still alive, people can become ghosts.

Superman and Robinhood are still alive in Hollywood.

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