I never felt like an Amanda.

No one can replace Amanda Tapping.

Amanda Ashley is a master storyteller.

My focus is to not focus too much on one genre.

I love Amanda Lear, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sharon Stone.

If you can't pronounce a word correctly, just don't use it.

You are one seriously testy Creature of the Night. (Amanda)

Amanda (Seyfried) has this dog that goes everywhere with her.

When you're young, it's hard not to get together with your costar.

I'd like to one day play Amanda, the mother, in The Glass Menagerie.

I don't even know Amanda Seyfried or whatever - they're all the same!

Miley Cyrus is about making money. Amanda Palmer is about making art.

Black belt in Akihito. (Amanda) Any other time, I'd kiss you for that. (Kyrian)

I'm definitely proud of myself anytime I can make Amanda Peet break out into laughter.

Richie Rich, Keoki, Amanda LaPore are really successful. They've joined the culture at large.

Jason Behr and Amanda Brooks were cool to work with. Jason and I are fast friends to this day.

People don't realize how sick Amanda Nunes is. She beats some of the UFC bantamweight males in the gym.

Amanda Bynes and I have become close since filming 'Hairspray.' It's so weird because I grew up watching her.

I was very excited to meet Amanda Seyfried. She is one of the most humbling human beings you will ever meet. She deserves success.

Whenever you get Brianna Decker on the ice, and Emily Field and Amanda Pelkey, people are just going to go fast and push the pace.

I knew David Benioff a bit socially. I knew his wife, Amanda Peet. He's a smart guy, so I always sought him out at dinner parties.

Amanda Nunes - I've been telling people that forever - she could compete with a lot of the male bantamweights in American Top Team.

That was one of the reasons I took the role [of Mayor Amanda Rosewater in Defiance] - to be a part of something groundbreaking interested me.

Let's face it: Amanda Tapping's shoes are difficult to fill. She's a great actress and a popular character on 'Stargate'; she's just a lovely person.

'Lovelace' was really great. I got to work with the wonderful Amanda Seyfried, Hank Azaria and Peter Sarsgaard, so it can't get no better than that, right?

“Lovelace” was really great. I got to work with the wonderful Amanda Seyfried, Hank Azaria and Peter Sarsgaard, so it can’t get no better than that, right?

My sister would write plays, and I would act in them and perform them for my parents. They were on the comedy side, very much inspired by 'The Amanda Show.'

Hugh Howey and Amanda Hocking come to mind immediately as authors who managed to build a successful following without the initial support of a large publisher.

I remember the ballads of the eighties when my mom was cleaning, sometimes I'd listen to, like, Amanda Miguel or something like that and I'll smell the Fabulous.

I think you have to be in an insane stratosphere in terms of fame in order to get offered really well-written scripts. Amanda Peet is definitely not in that group.

It was one thing, after all, to know his feelings for Amanda hadn't changed; it was another thing entirely to face the future with the certainty that they never would.

I think that Amanda Nunes and Julianna Pena and Valentina Shevchenko... they've showed how much this level has gone up in female fighting in a very short period of time.

I knew people were independently publishing, and I buy books on Amazon. I began seriously considering it when Amanda Hocking was in the news about her self-publishing success.

I started training for MMA when I was 18 years old. My jujitsu coach told me, 'Amanda, you should try MMA.' Since that moment, I got in love with this sport and haven't stopped.

Of course my goal is to be the champion, and of course I want revenge with Amanda because I feel much stronger, and I know next time it will be a totally different result of the fight.

My kids and I sometimes will just sit in my office and talk about what the world was like 68 million years ago. Amanda, our oldest daughter, wanted to be a paleontologist for a long time.

If Amanda Nunes truly wants an opportunity at the 145-lb. belt, a win against any ranked contender in that division would help establish her back in a weight class she left before fighting me.

First of all, I would like to clear the air on one thing. Alison has slept with more men than Amanda; Sydney has slept with more men than Amanda; I think Matt has slept with more men than Amanda.

I found my first picture of Amanda Lepore online in fashion magazines. It was the most beautiful thing that I had ever seen in my life. I thought nothing could trump the perfection of that photograph.

I go into the local chemist, and I can hear people saying, 'Oh my Gaaahd - it's Lisa Kudrow!' And there's a famous Amanda Foreman, an actress two years older than me, who appears in 'Private Practice'.

Meeting my wife Amanda was the best thing that could ever have happened to me. She wasn't going to let me screw around my life anymore, so I stopped drinking and started behaving like a decent human being.

Amanda Hocking and Hugh Howey have been successful in their self-publishing ventures. But notice that Hocking would prefer to write and hand over the editing, promotion, and selling to a traditional publisher.

My real name is Amanda Rose Saccomanno, so a lot of people don't know that, but Rose is kind of special in my family as my grandma's name is Rosemary, my mom's name is Mary Rose, I'm Amanda Rose, my niece is Demi Rose.

When I first got the call to do 'Britain's Got Talent', it was actually Amanda who was one of the first people to reach out to me and suggest we go out for a coffee and have a conversation. And we did, and it was great.

You don't have to listen to those mean girls. They're just there to make you upset and make you feel bad about yourself. And you know, inside, they feel bad about themselves too. But they don't wanna admit it to anybody.

I get mistaken for Amanda Holden; I've had that since I was 12. I get Carey Mulligan, too. We look quite similar, and she does 'Bleak House' and I do 'Cranford,' so people mix us up. I'm sure we'll play sisters at some point.

I don't look at 'Vogue' to ask what I'm going to wear. Because it's something on a body too young. I have to look at the social pages to see women my age. To see how Amanda Burden is dressed and say, 'Hmmm. Maybe I should try that.'

My sister taught me how to write my name when I was about three. I remember writing my whole name: Jacqueline Amanda Woodson. I just loved the power of that, of being able to put a letter on the page and that letter meaning something.

I'm entranced by Amanda Lovelace's work. She wrote two wonderful books, 'The Princess Saves Herself in This One' and 'The Witch Doesn't Burn in This One.' You can feel your heart opening because she says things that you thought only you felt.

It's funny because, growing up, I found inspiration from watching Steffi Graf and Amanda Coetzer, a South African who was in the top 10 for many years. Oh, and then there's someone I've gotten to know over the last few years: Martina Navratilova.

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