I'm a big fan of Anderson Silva.

I'll never doubt Anderson Silva.

I'm a huge Paul Thomas Anderson fan.

My favorite fighter is Anderson Silva.

I don't think Anderson Silva is less of a fighter.

When I exhale, I just turn right into Louie Anderson.

I love Wes Anderson films, which are quirky and funny.

Wes Anderson's films, 6-year-olds are crazy about them.

Uriah Hall is on the level of Anderson Silva's striking.

I grew up watching Anderson. He was my favorite fighter.

I like Fox, but I also like Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon.

My dream job is to be the Robin to Anderson Cooper's Batman.

Wes Anderson deserves an award for sheer persistence of vision.

A guy like Anderson Silva is one the greatest champions we've had.

I always watch Anderson Silva and I always watch his fighting style.

I don't think Paul Thomas Anderson has a standard approach to anything.

In our 20s, women in my generation, we all wanted to be Laurie Anderson.

During a fight with Anderson Silva, I slipped on an imaginary banana peel.

Anderson Cooper every night dreams about getting my job permanently really.

Obviously, in my past, I had a quite wild relationship with Pamela Anderson.

There's only one Anderson Silva. I think he's a specialist and a generalist.

I'm just very impressed with the way Jimmy Anderson goes about his business.

People ask me what Gillian Anderson's like to work with, and I have no idea!

Guys like myself and Arn Anderson, we're always trying to pass knowledge along.

I wouldn't argue that Anderson Silva is the best pound-for-pound fighter in MMA.

In 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof,' I couldn't take my eyes off Judith Anderson as Big Mama.

Pamela Anderson has more prosthetic in her body than I do. Nobody calls her disabled.

I've got big respect for Corey Anderson. He's a great fighter, he poses a big threat.

The difference between Marilyn Monroe and the early Pamela Anderson is not that great.

That would make a great Instagram photo - me and David Hasselhoff and Pamela Anderson.

One of my favorite writers is Hans Christian Anderson. His stories speak to the times.

I would love to wear, like, twee Wes Anderson suits everywhere and not get made fun of.

I'm a huge Wes Anderson fan; I would faint if I met him, let alone got to work with him.

Rumors about me? Calista Flockhart, Pam Anderson, and Matt Damon. That's who I'm dating.

I want to work with Wes Anderson, Paul Thomas Anderson, the Coen Brothers, or Spike Jonze.

My favorite movies are from directors that have a vision, like Wes Anderson or Tim Burton.

Felipe Anderson's got a good engine, pace, skill, passing ability and a decent shot on him.

Fighting Anderson Silva was a signature and career-defining moment that was stolen from me.

We expected to have a good time with Clive Anderson 'cause I've always liked him, his shows.

Anderson's muckraking is one of debatable ends constantly used to justify questionable works.

I've recently enjoyed the Paul Thomas Anderson commentaries and the David Fincher commentaries.

Anderson knees people in the face from the clinch. That guy is a world class Muay Thai fighter.

I'm a news junkie. Anderson Cooper, I watch him every night. I watch Piers Morgan a lot as well.

You can't ever really replace Jon Anderson because he's been such a force in the music business.

A guy called Arthur Brown... was a big influence of mine... and also Ian Anderson from Jethro Tull.

I got in the limelight at a young age. At age 19, people were already comparing me to Anderson Silva.

I loved 1990s television: 'The Fast Show,' 'Father Ted,' 'Harry Enfield.' 'Clive Anderson Talks Back.'

Bjorn Borg has the look of a Scandanavian rock star with the understated charm of a Wes Anderson movie.

I've got two 10-8 rounds against Anderson Silva. That's just the truth. I have no equal at middleweight.

I remember, after the Pamela Anderson roast, being told, 'You're sold out - you can add two more shows.'

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