I love playing arenas; it's the best thing.

I've been in a lot of different arenas of life.

Wrestling moves are made for arenas, not the screen.

I want to sell out arenas and sell millions of records.

I have anxiety about coming into the arenas all the time.

Playing in arenas, that's very non-personal with the crowd.

Madison Square Garden is one of the greatest arenas in the world.

I've done arenas, and sometimes it feels like you're the only one in the room.

I think 'Spider-man' is a pop culture rock show that was meant to be in arenas.

My son is not a tactic to be used in political arenas for relevancy and points.

I have been fighting the best. I am just 26 and have fought in the biggest arenas.

I want to know that I am putting 30,000 individuals in seats in arenas. That's my goal.

Growing up, I thought it would be great if I could do big theaters. Now we're doing arenas.

They didn't have a problem with me being wild and crazy when it came time to fill the arenas.

I want to sell out arenas and make an album and work with some of the best artists in the world.

I've never been good in the financial and business arenas. I handle the creative side of things.

Who cares about how many albums you've sold when you have sold out arenas and you're making money?

All the tournaments I enter I want to win, but especially in one of the biggest arenas we play in.

I'm the cash cow, I believe, so at 135 or 130, I'm selling out arenas, putting butts in the seats.

Time management is surely the most critical aspect of acing multiple arenas: home, work, and family.

I did the best I could, and in some arenas, my best was not good enough. I've made some bad choices.

Thanks to my fans that have been with me from the beginning, I was able to sell out arenas on my own.

To be honest, I don't really like arenas. It's not easy to make the sound good, or to perform in them.

We should confine booing in sports arenas to sport. I love a good boo as much as the next football fan.

Cultural arenas and institutions that were always liberal are being prodded or dragged further to the left.

I've been fortunate. I get to write films. I get to write music in films. I get to play arenas wearing a wig.

I've fought on some big cards. I've fought in some big arenas, on televised cards, pay-per-view cards, whatever.

Just like footballers want to play at Wembley, the Nou Camp and the Bernabeu, boxers have their dream arenas too.

I don't know if it's just me, but I hate going to arenas where it's 60 degrees outside, and it's 50 degrees inside.

My hair is brown with a tinge of red. The lights in NBA arenas are extremely bright, and that makes my hair look red.

Much more a skiing family than a hockey family, my dad wasn't a big fan of the arenas early in the morning on the weekends.

Some people would rather not go to arenas; they'd rather just sit at home and watch the game at home or play on the computer.

There have been artists who've sold out arenas one year, and the next they can't fill a theatre. There's always more to achieve.

Soap operas were my first professional experiences, and I always knew I was eager to explore a lot more work in a lot more arenas.

Things got big quickly for us, and playing arenas... it's like - and every band will tell you this - you don't see any of the town.

No matter how dope you are, if you ain't really built, if you ain't put that groundwork in, you gonna flop. Nobody gonna fill those arenas.

Your mom was right when she told you never to discuss politics and religion because emotions run so high in those arenas. Especially religion.

Through the history of rock n' roll, you see lots of bands making the mistake of putting on the tights when they get to arenas. Don't do that.

Whitaker will be nothing without Julio Cesar Chavez. I do not need Whitaker. Whitaker doesn't make the money I can. He can't fill arenas. He is nobody.

Artistically, or just performance-wise, I love playing arenas. I think that is my favorite form, because it's big enough to feel like a big, grand show.

I was told before that one of the hardest jumps to do, painlessly, is the one from playing clubs into playing arenas. I am completely aware of that now.

I don't just like to use punchlines anymore, especially in arenas. They freak me out. There is nothing worse than 15,000 people waiting for a punchline.

At the end of OK Computer we were playing big, big arenas and it wasn't right. You can do those things occasionally but at the time it didn't feel right.

When we came to America before, we opened shows in arenas for groups like Rush. It's always been a case of playing for 45 minutes for someone else's audience.

In film, it is always collaborative, and so to me, it doesn't make sense to not be collaborative in one of its most critical arenas - which is the screenplay.

Working in network sitcom arenas, whenever you decide to depart from the norm and tell a story that's not typical, I think you're always a little bit nervous.

I join other players in calling for all teams to take a stand. We should not be subject to hate speech or racist acts at any time, and definitely not in our arenas.

It's the NBA, arenas almost always sold out. When I played back in Europe, there would be some games with 50-100 people in the crowd, so it would be pretty much empty.

Arenas, to me, and especially sheds, are really great venues. You get that sea of humanity, but everybody can still see it and hear it. And that's really important to us.

I want tap to be something danced in arenas. Sort of like a rock group. Other art forms happen every night. Take theater, opera; there's always opera happening every night.

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